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I sat eating breakfast with the other Pevensies. We were smiling and laughing. I was leaning against Edmund, eating some toast. Edmund was remarkably happier than he has been since I met him and it was a nice change. But it seemed I was not the only one who noticed. The others seemed very confused.

"Ok. What has happened between you two." Peter said pointing to me and Ed. I looked to Edmund who was stuffing his face with toast - attractive. "Nothing much really." I said casually. Peter raised an eyebrow. They all looked at me. "Edmund! Narnia is not going to run out of toast! Help me out here." I said, giggling. He nodded as he finished his toast. "Sure thing my beautiful girlfriend." He said causing Susan and Lucy to gasp. Way to be subtle Ed. Peter looked astonished, "No way!" He exclaimed. "I knew it! I knew it!" Lucy chanted. "It's not serious though guys." I said causing Edmund to wiggle his eyebrows. "Yet." He whispered to me. I hit him on the arm. "I should hope not! Edmund you can't afford to have a relationship when you are going back to England soon." Peter said seriously. WHAAATTTT! No way. "We are going back?" Lucy said sadly. "You three are. Alex, you can do what you want. You have a father with you." Peter said. I was heartbroken these guys were my only friends. "Why!" Lucy complained. "Lucy you almost drowned-" What? when did that happen?  "-Edmund was almost killed. You three must be safe. I will fight though." Edmund looked hurt as he grasped onto my hand. "That is exactly why we have to stay. I have seen what the White Witch can do and I have helped her do it. We can't leave these guys to fend for themselves." He argued. Lucy smiled at her brother, pleased that he was finally getting his life on track. "That settles it then." Susan said, getting up. "What are you doing?" Peter asked. Was Susan leaving? "Getting in some practice." She said smiling. 

I was duelling a faun on the training grounds, while Susan and Lucy were practising on the Targets. It was decided that although my newly found powers were really cool -  they drained me far too much, therefore not being great for a battle. The faun was teaching me to sword fight as I preferred this to a bow. If it weren't for the fact we were training for a battle that could possibly lead to my death, I would say we were having fun. 

Peter and Edmund came round the corner on their horses, they were also sword fighting and having fun. They were laughing and riding together and they seemed to be rebuilding their bond. "Peter!" A voice shouted it was Mr Beaver. "You better come quick, the white witch has called a meeting with Aslan." He shouted. The faun and I stopped our fighting and I looked to Edmund, his face was paling. 

"Behold! Jadis, the Queen of Narnia!" A dwarf shouted as the 'Queen' entered the camp on a chair. The chair was being held up by minotaurs. Jadis was placed down and she stood up facing my father. "You have a traitor in your midst Aslan." She proclaimed. I looked to Edmund, he was clearly terrified, I grasped onto his hand. He squeezed it back. 

"His offense was not against you," Aslan replied. "You should know that by the laws Narnia was built on, his blood is mine." The white witch snarled. She glanced at Edmund. "Do not recite deep magic to me witch! I was there when it was written." Aslan said proudly. "Then you should know that to appease the traditions, that boy should die on the stone table." She shouted back, pointing her wand at Edmund. Edmund gripped my hand tightly. 

"Try and take him then!" Peter yelled taking out his sword. " Let us discuss this inside Jadis, Alexandra you come as well." My father said quietly, both Jadis and I obeyed, walking into the tent. 

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