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Fifteen years later

We were riding through the woods, looking for the so called white stag. It was supposed to bring luck to the person who catches it. Unfortunately for us it was fast. I rode next to Lucy, now a young woman. We giggled as we rushed through the trees. "Where's Edmund?" Susan called from ahead. I looked around, but saw nothing. We trotted back till we found him in a glade. "Just catching my breath" He said, patting his horse. "That is all we will catch at this rate!" Susan said. I laughed. "What did he say again Susan?" Lucy asked. "You girls wait at the castle, I shall catch the stag myself!" Susan said in a deep voice. I laughed, causing Edmund to scowl at me. He had truly grown into a kind man. And I loved him for it. "Why did you agree to marry him in a week, Lex?" Peter said laughing.

But I was too enchanted by the lamp post that stood in the middle of the clearing. "It looks familiar, as if from a dream." Susan said airily. "Or a dream of a dream." Lucy said. We all stared at it absentmindedly for a second before Lucy shouted something and ran into the wood. Leaving her horse behind. I got off my horse and ran after her, the other following suit. "Lu? Where are we going?" Peter said roughly. "Ow stop standing on my foot." Someone yelled. The branches started turning to coats. How strange. "Ow Edmund!" I yelled. I gasped, my voice had gotten higher. I realised what was happening before it did.

We all tumbled out of the wardrobe, back to our younger selves. I looked at the others. We were all surprised. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?" A voice asked. I looked up. It was the professor. "You wouldn't believe us if we told you!"

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