Ch.1: Me Myself and I

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12 years later...

Third POV

It has now been 12 years since the fateful day of the Nine-tails attack. A couple lives born but many lost.

The sunlight gleamed down into the forest and the birds chirped as the newly spring air came about. In a small town towards the edge of the Land of Fire, a man resided in a hotel with his granddaughter.

"Man! Where's jii-san so early in the morning?" A girl no older than 12 roamed around the streets looking for her grandfather. "I bet he's snooping around looking at the women..." she muttered in annoyance.

She shook her head and darted off towards the hot springs, knowing that her grandfather is probably already there doing his "research." She finally came towards the springs and slowed down. She made a hand sign and hid her chakra.

The girl crept around until a couple of screams were heard. Ugh... I would know those kinds of screams anywhere. She ran towards the noise and saw a man with long white hair cascading down in layers. He was wearing a red robe with a ninja outfit underneath. A big scroll hanging on his back, and holding a mini telescope in his hands.

A red anime vein appeared on the girls forehead. "JII-SANN!!" she screamed and smacked the man's head. "HOW DARE YOU PEEP! HAVEN'T YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON FROM TSUNADE OBBA-SAN!"

The man visibly paled as he recalled the experience of nearly dying. "Ohh u-uh h-hey Naomi... wh-what are you doing here?" He stuttered. The girl raised her eyebrow in a mocking manner and put her hands on her waist, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Alright alright... let's get going..." he gave up. "Always ruining the fun..." he later muttered.

"What did you say??" Naomi seethed as a dark aura surrounded her. A bead of sweat rolled down the man's face, clearly not wanting to anger his granddaughter.

"N-nothing.." he replied. Naomi narrowed her eyes and scoffed. "I can't believe that you're one of the legendary Sannin.. by this rate you've already started ruining your reputation and being classified as a pervert... tsk tsk." she scolded.

Jiraiya pouted and crossed his arms across his chest. "Pfft like you should be saying anything... you helped out with my Icha Icha. What a hypocrite." he teased. Naomi rolled her eyes but admitted defeat.

"Yeah.. only so we can stop getting kicked out from each town we pass by due to your pervy-ness." she remarked. Jiraiya just 'hmped' an answer and turned his head.

Naomi lightly giggled and jumped on Jiraiya's back. "Ohh jii-san you know I'm only teasing you..." she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her chin on his shoulder.

Jiraiya glanced behind him and looked at Naomi with softened eyes. She reminds me of her parents everyday... She's also powerful like them, will grow up to be a great shinobi. He was brought back into reality when Naomi's stomach growled in hunger.

Jiraiya chuckled. "Let's get some food into that stomach of yours." Naomi nodded happily in agreement. One thing that she absolutely loved besides her grandfather and her grand god mother was food. Any type, whether it be sweets, soups, dango's, ramen.... Ohhh especially ramen.

Ramen was one of her favorite foods. There's hasn't been one flavor that she hasn't tried. Naomi might have a toned and lean body, but boy could she eat. Not one or two bowls but she could eat up to at least 20 no doubt... and that still wouldn't keep her full.

**Time Skip**

"More please!" Naomi exclaimed as she slurped her 18th bowl. Jiraiya slumped as his wallet became lighter and lighter. Well he shouldn't have expected anything else... Naomi has always been quite an eater ever since....

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