Ch.21: 5th Hokage, Sasu's Bday, Mysterious Mission

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Chapter 21: 5th Hokage, Sasu’s Bday, Mysterious Mission

Two long weeks had passed by the Leaf Village. The construction work from Orochimaru’s attack was almost complete as the streets filled the smell of newly cut wood.

ANBU and the other jounin were in a buzz, hustling to finish missions while trying to protect the village. What Konoha needed was a new Hokage… and that’s exactly what it was getting.

Four shinobi’s were walking on a dirt path a couple of minutes away from the village. The hot sun was bearing down on their skin; the youngest one wiped the sweat away from his forehead with a huge grin plastered on his face.

“COME ON, Grandma Tsunade! We have to get their quickly, believe it!” Naruto yelled with his fist pumped in the air. Tsunade rolled her eyes and chuckled under her breath.

“Calm down, Naruto,” Jiraiya spoke “We’re almost there. No need to rush. A good ninja always waits.”

Naruto pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. “Hmph!”

The four of them, plus TonTon, finally walked up to the main red gates. The guards yawned as another boring day passed by for them. Hearing a couple of footsteps, they looked up.

“Well well, look who it is! It seems that Naruto and Master Jiraiya have finally brought her.” Izumo said as he watched the four of them pass through the gates. “Indeed. It’s such a relief now.” Kotetsu agreed.

**Time Skip**

Konohamaru fumed on the top floor of the Hokage’s building after his encounter with Tsunade. Who does she think she is?! Naruto suddenly barged through the opening and crashed with him, both of them tumbling to the ground.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” Konohamaru yelled. Naruto grunted while rubbing his nose.

“You watch where you’re standing!”

“Huh? Is that you, Naruto? Long time no see!”

Naruto laughed and stood up. “Yeah! You see an old lady around here with a nasty temper? Actually, she doesn’t look old…. But she is!”

“I’ve seen her, alright! Who is she anyways?!” Konohamaru exclaimed at the same time Naruto said: “Where is she?”

“Well,” Naruto rubbed his chin “It’s a long story. Hmm… ahh! I haven’t got time for this! I’ve got to get her to the infirmary! Pronto!” Naruto screamed as he stomped off towards the office.

“The infirmary?” Konohamaru curiously asked.

“Yeah! She’s apparently some hotshot Medical ninja. Everyone’s making such a big deal about her being Hokage! Has she forgotten what she came here for?!” Naruto ranted pacing back and forth.

Konohamaru’s jaw slacked in horror. “THE FIFTH HOKAGE? You’re lying, Naruto! It’s not true!” he yelled with slight tears and ran out the door, down the stairs.

“Huh? What’s wrong with him?” Naruto wondered. He heard some voice down the hall and noticed Shizune and Tsunade coming.

“… drink just a hot cup of tea.” Tsunade trailed off from her conversation before she was interrupted.

“Not so fast, grandma! Aren’t you forgetting about something?!” He narrowed his eyes. Tsunade raised her eyebrows cluelessly. “What would that be?”

Naruto stomped his foot. “Come on! Are you kidding me? What about Kakashi sensei, Sasuke, Naomi, and Bushy Brows?!”

Blinking a couple of times she replied. “Oh yeah… I did forget about them.”

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