Ren Miyazaki

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Name: Ren Miyazaki

Picture to the side! But I don't own it. :)

Age: 13

DOB: May 4

Rank: ANBU

Appearance: Dark jet black hair that comes down in layered spikes until his shoulders. Sapphire blue eyes and a strong jaw line. Has a fit and muscle built body. Handsome.

Personality: Fun, playful, arrogant and cocky sometimes. Fiesty. Loves to laugh and make others laugh, but when it comes to missions, he's dead serious. Protects his comrades with his life.

- Best friends with Kazuya

Abilties: Water Chakra Nature Type, Strong in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu

Likes:training, weapons, sushi, etc...

Dislikes: Too many to count, according to him.

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