Ch. 12: Battle Part 2& End of the Journey to the Land of Waves

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Naomi's POV

“Im gonna kill you!!” Naruto howled as the wind around him pick up. It was hard to breathe as the atmosphere became more intense.

What’s this chakra?! Haku thought. Chakra cannot be seen! Yet it’s clearly visible!

The needles that were stuck on Naruto’s back suddenly popped off and the wounds healed as smoke evaporated from it. He growled as he clenched his new claws open and close.

Outside the mirrors, I heard Kakashi and Zabuza gasp at the sudden wave of chakra. Is Zabuza creating this? He’s not! I know this chakra! There’s no way! Kakashi thought.

“Naruto!” I yelled as I watched in horror at the orange chakra engulfing the ice mirrors like a dome. He didn’t listen. I doubt he could even hear me.

He gritted his teeth as his canines grew longer, almost animalistic like. Well what can I expect! He is the junchuriki for the ‘fox.’ 
Naruto abruptly ran towards one of Haku’s reflections on all four of his legs, avoiding the incoming senbon needles that were coming from him.

It was impossible! The needles couldn’t even stay long enough within his skin. “He’s no longer a boy.” I heard Haku mutter. He stumbled out of one of the ice mirrors, but before he could return, Naruto had already grasped his hand.

Haku’s eyes widened at the tight grip. Naruto viciously snarled as he brought his fist back and striked Haku’s mask.

The energy and the power of the punch was to such a great extent that Haku flew back right through the mirrors and crashing outside on the dock. The rest of the mirrors glowed as the jutsu finally broke.

Haku stumbled to stand up as the last bits of his mask broke. Before I even knew it, Naruto was running towards Haku about to kill him.

My eyes widened and I screamed. “NARUTO! NO!” He came to a sudden stop as he stared in astonishment at Haku’s revealed face.

“Y-you’re the guy from the woods!” he exclaimed. The woods? They met?!

“Why do you not strike? Don’t you want to avenge your comrade by killing me? Or was that vow just empty words?” Haku calmly asked as a bead of blood trailed down his chin onto his neck.

I could see Naruto’s fists shaking as his temper began to rise again. “Aghh!!” he yelled as he punched Haku again in anger.
Haku and Naruto started conversing on how he’s no longer useful to Zabuza, and how he lives to protect him.

I knew at this time, seeing Haku’s face, he was telling Naruto his past. I frowned as I remembered the same story he told me when I first met him.


The earth started shaking as Kakashi muttered a jutsu. Before I knew huge hounds had Zabuza in their grasp. I stifled a laughter as I stared at the annoyance on Zabuza’s face.

One dog was biting his shoulder, four other small ones each on his calves, and of course in the front in a place where you would not want to be bitten.

“Alright Zabuza, enough talk. Time to finish it, but it won’t be with the Sharingan: imitations with some other ninja’s jutsu’s. No… it’s time I introduced you to….” Kakashi started.

He created rapid hand signs. “My own jutsu.” He held his palm out as blue electricity sizzled around him in a circle, slowly forming in his palm in a rapid pace. Streaks of indigo and electric blue lightening shaped around his fist. The high pitch sound of birds chimed in my ears.

My eyes widened as I gawked at the high intensity of the jutsu. So much chakra! Taking that amount of chakra and condensing it to only the size of a hand, it’s absolutely incredible!

“Lightening Blade!” Kakashi yelled. Zabuza’s eyes stared in shock. The chakra’s so strong, it’s visible! He thought.


“Go on! Finish it! Kill me!” Haku exclaimed, surprisingly in a calm way. Naruto clenched his teeth as he stepped back a bit in frustration.

They talked a bit more. Naruto swiftly took out a kunai and charged towards Haku. The mist started clearing a bit more as the outlines of everyone became a bit more clear.

Haku’s eyes widened as his heartbeat became more defined. He effortlessly caught the incoming kunai.

“Sorry Naruto, but there’s a change of plan,” While his one hand was occupying the held kunai the other formed single jutsu signs, “I’m not ready to die quite yet.”

My body tensed with fear as I knew what he was going to do. I mentally shook my head. No! He’s going to do it! He can’t! 

I don’t know what happened, but at that moment I couldn’t care less. A rush of adrenaline pumped into my feet and I shot forward.

Third POV

Haku had arrived at the scene standing in front of Zabuza when Kakashi thrust his hand deeply into the abdomen, his hand coming out from the other side.

A blinding white light illuminated the entire dock. Everyone covered their faces with their hands to avoid it. Haku became confused. Why am I not hurt? Why is there no pain?

He snapped his eyes in front and gasped. There right in front of him was a bloody Naomi. Blood squirted from the wound onto the faces of the three ninja around her. Her eyes were wide as saucers as her body become numb from inside out.

Naomi leisurely raised her head staring at Kakashi who was in front of her. She noticed the bewilderment on his face. He was frozen as the little bit of color he had on his face became shades paler.

“NAOMI!!” Naruto screamed. The blonde ninja ran towards the edge of the dock as fast as his feet could take him. The shouting of her name snapped Kakashi back to his senses.

He shakily received his arm from Naomi’s stomach, being extra careful not to injure her even more. Her body fell to the ground with a thud, chest moving up and down trying to inhale as much air as she could.

Zabuza and Haku quickly bent down to check on her. Tears started to prickle the edge of Haku’s eyes. “Why?” he whispered.

Naomi chuckled a bit. “B-because. I can’t lose one of my best friends.. can I?” she rasped.

Kakashi stared at his student, guilt eating him up a live. He couldn’t save his past team mates, he couldn’t lose someone else that he cared about. His gaze went to his hand. It was covered with blood, not his, but Naomi’s. He clenched it as anger swept through his veins.

“Naomi! Naomi!” Naruto yelled as he collapsed right by her face. Fresh tears dripping out of his gem like eyes. He felt like he couldn’t hold anything in his heart anymore. The cracks were starting to be made, and all of his emotions were released in one go.

He couldn’t take it anymore and kept punching the ground again and again. “You can’t leave me! You’re my best friend! Please….. please don’t.” he begged.

Naomi gave a small smile and grabbed Naruto’s hand. He flinched as he felt her ice cold hands grab his warm ones. He finally met up with her stare and sobbed.

“It will be alright, Naruto. Believe it.” She weakly commented. “I still have a lot of things to do in this world. I have to figure… have to fig..have to….” Naomi tried to utter out, but couldn’t. Her head automatically moved to the side as her eyes closed.

Naomi’s breathing was slowing down to the point it didn’t even look like she was breathing. At that moment, Naruto panicked.
“NAOMI! Mi-chan!?” he cried in despair as he shook her.

“Heh. Well well so this is how it turns out. Did quite a job on you, didn’t he Zabuza? You look like yesterday’s sashimi. I must say eh, disappointing.” A voice said. Everyone snapped their heads to the end of the bridge to see a short man wearing a suit and holding a cane. Hundreds of men surrounded him carrying weapons.

“Gatou? What is all of this, I don’t understand.” Zabuza questioned as him and Haku both looked at each other. “Why are you here? And who are all of these thugs that you have brought with you?”

“There’s been a change of plans. Yours and that boy’s life ends here. You’re to expensive. I’ve decided to take you out of the payroll.” Gatou said. “Look at you. You look as demonic as the snow.” He taunted, the surrounding thugs laughing at the horrible joke.

“Well Kakashi, it would seem our fight is at an end. Tazuna’s safe since I’m no longer Gatou’s employee.” Zabuza said.

Gatou limped with his cane over towards Naomi’s body and snickered. “Heh. Pitiful. If she were alive, I could have taken her for myself. Her kind of beauty is in demand in the market right now. That kind of body would have earned me millions.” He laughed and kicked her body hard.

Naruto’s eyes widened in anger. Kakashi and Zabuza clenched their fists. No one does that to my student. They both thought. Haku murderously stared at Gatou, plans forming in his head.

“Get away!! Get away from her, you scum!” Naruto screamed, his feet dashing towards Naom. Kakashi quickly caught his collar and stopped him.

“Naruto! Stop. Use your head.” He scolded. Naruto’s sky blue eyes darkened and stared at Kakashi.

“HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? Are you just going to let him do that to her??” he screamed in frustration.

Zabuza looked to the side and slightly nodded towards Haku, and he nodded back. The brown haired boy took out a couple of senbon and disappeared from his spot.

Before anyone could realize it half of the thugs that were brought dropped dead to the ground with a thud.

“Attack!!” Gatou ordered to the rest of his men.

“Kakashi, you take the thugs, while I take Gatou. I started this, and I will end it.” Zabuza said with fire in his eyes. Kakashi just nodded and took off into battle once more.

Zabuza grabbed his long sword and calmly walked towards Gatou. “Stay back. Stay back!” Gatou shouted horrified as he let his eyes seep in the sight of his men being slaughtered one by one dropping to the ground lifeless.

Zabuza chuckled. “You’re in for a long and painful eternity underground in hell.” He chastised. He aimed his sword and swiftly cut the midget dwarf in half. The body pieces fell into the water.


“HEY LOOK!! SASUKE’S ALIVE!” Sakura’s shout came from the other side. She was beaming with happiness as happy tears gleamed down her cheeks. “Naruto, LOOK!”

Naruto slowly turned his head and saw Sasuke standing, but leaning against Sakura, blood circulation not fully recovering his legs yet.  

“B-but how??” he questioned. Haku came to stand beside Naruto. “I never intended to kill him. I couldn’t do it. I only aimed a senbon needle to his pressure point, putting him in a temporary death state.”

His lips twitched up a bit, happy seeing him alive, but then quickly turned into a frown when he looked down at Naomi.


From standing limply beside Sakura, Sasuke squinted his eyes to see the figure laying on the ground in a puddle of pool. He became confused. Sakura’s standing with me, Kakashi is over there, Naruto is on the ground crouching, he calculated Zabuza and Haku… are alive? Then wh—Naomi! Where is she? Sasuke’s eyes rapidly moved back and forth across the huge dock until it landed on the figure on the ground. He noticed some blue curls soaked in blood. His heart skipped a beat, well knowing whose ringlets were those.


“Hey! Yoo hoo! This party ain’t over yet. Who’s going to pay us, now that Gatou’s gone! We’re not leaving empty handed, so we’re just going to have to hit that village. Get ‘em boys!” One of the thugs that had not been killed yet, yelled.

They charged with shouts and hoots, but abruptly stopped as a long spear blocked their path. “Before you set one foot in our village, you’ll have to go through us!!”  A voice exclaimed.

The attention was now on all of the villagers that stood in a group, and in the front of them, stood Inari.

“Inari!” Naruto exclaimed. Inari laughed. “Heroes usually come at the last minute you know?” he said. The thugs became frightened. They immediately backed off, jumped into their boats, and escaped before their lives were at stake.

As everything quieted down, the air became tense again. It was as if time had stopped itself.

“O-onee chan?” Inari asked, his eyes catching Naomi’s body on the ground. His feet dashed off to her. “Nee-chan?? NEE-CHAN! Wake up!”

Naruto came and grasped Inari’s hand from shaking her body too much. Inari glared at Naruto then softened as he saw Naruto shaking his head a bit.

“Ugh.” A groan came. Naruto thought he was hearing things. “Do you hear that?” he asked. No one said anything. Everyone looked at him like he gained an extra head.

He heard another groan and this time, he balanced his body and crouched down, placing his ear on Naomi’s chest trying to find a heart beat.
Her body suddenly sprang forward as if she had been electrified and gasped for breath, startling Naruto to death.

“AHHH!” Both Naruto and Inari shrieked as Naruto fell on his butt and crawled backwards with his hands in an attack mode.

“G-ghost!” Naruto yelled again. Naomi buried her hand in her chest as she slowly inhaled more air. She fluttered her eyes open and scanned the area.

Haku gasped as he saw her clenching her abdomen. How can that be?! The same thought ran through Kakashi’s and Zabuza’s mind.

“Who are you! And why have you possessed Naomi’s body??” Naruto questioned with a heated glare and took out a kunai. “Answer me! Give me my friends body back or I’ll kill you! Believe it!” he yelled.

A red anime vein appeared on her forehead as she gave Naruto a defiant look. Standing up, the blue haired beauty cracked her knuckles, focused chakra, and punched Naruto right in the cheek: the impact causing him to fly into the water.  

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN THAT I’M POSSESSED? Do I look possessed to you!!?? You knuckle head!” she panted, already being out of breath.

Naruto popped his head out of the water and pointed a finger at her. “N-Naomi?” he quietly asked.

Naomi huffed and placed her hands on her hips. “What do you think?” Sarcasm laced her voice.

Naruto’s eyes twinkled and he darted out of the water and tackled Naomi into a hug. “Mi-chan’s back!!” he repeated again and again.

Kakashi sweat dropped. “Um Naruto, I think everyone got the message.” The knucklehead stopped and sheepishly grinned.

“Putting that aside, Naomi, how are you still alive?” Zabuza asked as he supported his sword in his shoulder.

Naomi’s POV

Exhausted, I sat down on the ground comfortable. “Well,” I began “While I was rushing to stand in front of Haku, I was also conducting the jutsu: Body Revival Technique. This is a jutsu that allows ‘the user to survive any otherwise normally fatal damage and instantly heal from the damage. A unique trait of this technique is that it can momentarily give the user the appearance of death.’ It’s pretty cool, huh?” I explained.

Btw, ALL jutsus that I have used or use in my stories are real and from Naruto Wiki.

“Hmm, I must admit, that jutsu would definitely come in handy. You must teach me one day, Naomi.” Haku said with a small smile.

I grinned back and nodded. “Definitely. Heh, well so where are we going now? I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving.”

“Come on nee-chan! Mother will cook us something.” Inari grabbed her hand and led her away from the rest of the group.

As I followed I met Sasuke’s eyes. They were filled with sadness, anger, and relief. His eyes silently asked me if I was okay. I gave a small smile and nodded.

He smirked back. “Baka!” he mouthed. I playfully glared at him and stuck my tongue out.

**Time Skip 1 week**

We were now all standing in front of the newly built bridge’s gate. Our wounds had healed and it was time for us to head back.

“We couldn’t have finished the bridge without you. I can’t believe how much I’ll miss you guys.” Tazuna said.

“Be careful now.” Tsunami added from the side.

“Thank you for everything.” Kakashi said.

“Now now, let’s not get chummy.” Naruto scolded “We’ll come back and visit real soon.”

I could see Inari’s crestfallen face as tears gathered in his eyes. “You swear you will?” he questioned with a shaky tone.

Zabuza looked at me with an ‘are they serious?’ face. I nodded and chuckled. From the corner I could see Naruto getting emotional also.

“O-of course! You know Inari, it’s alright to cry! There’s nothing wrong with that. Go ahead.” Naruto sputtered trying not to cry.

I shook my head with amuse. “I swear, they’re so cute.” I muttered. Haku chuckled beside me, hearing what I said. He nodded his head in agreement.

We all turned to walk away, until I heard Inari call me. “Nee-chan!!” I turned just in time to be crashed back a bit.

I looked down to see Inari hugging me by the waist and burying his crying eyes into my stomach. I softly smiled. I crouched down to his height and gently moved his bangs out of his eyes.

“Hey Inari. Why are you crying? You’re a hero now! Hero’s shouldn’t cry.”

“You’ll come back, right nee-chan? Always??”

I grinned and nodded. “I will Inari. Just for you.” I leaned my head closer and kissed his forehead. I could see him blush a bit. I wanted to squeal at the moment, but held it in. Uchiha’s do not squeal.

Playfully, I pointed my finger to my cheek, motioning that I wanted him to kiss me as well. He grinned and came to kiss me. Before his lips could contact my skin, a hand grabbed the back of my collar and dragged me away.

“H-Hey, wait a sec! Heeeeyyyy!” I whined. I glanced a bit behind and saw that my capturers hand was none other than Sasuke’s. I could see his emotions showing that he was ticked off.

He annoyingly looked at me and glared. I raised an eyebrow, surprised at his actions.  Don’t tell me.. is he jealous? Ha! He’s jealous of Inari. Oh boy… I feel like this possessiveness is going to get worse.

I didn’t see the sly glance Kakashi and Zabuza had with each other. Smirks appeared on their faces as they realized the relationship between us.


“What are we naming the bridge??” A villager asked Tazuna. Inari grinned and nodded towards his grandfather.

“I think the best name shall be The Great Naruto Bridge and this sea port will be named Sea Port of Naomi. I think we owe a lot to little Naomi for helping us out not only this time, but last time when she came years ago and donated much to our village.”

“YEAAH!” The villagers cheered for the first time in a long time, finally the sense of happiness bursting from within.
As we came to the border of the Land of Waves we stopped to go on our separate ways.

“Zabuza sensei? So what now? What are you going to do after this?” I curiously asked.

He shrugged. “Not a clue. We might settle down in a village or something…”

I snorted. “Yeah right. You? Settle down? Please humor me even more.” Haku chuckled at my comment while Zabuza glared.

“Now now…” Kakashi stepped in with a hand on my head, ruffling my hair a bit.

“Well you guys are already rogues.. and since I know Zabuza loves money, why not just become bounty hunters or something?” I suggested.

“Hmm not bad kid. I’ll give you that. Nothing better than killing and more money.” Zabuza-sensei speculated with his hand rubbing his chin.

“I think it’s good for both of you. Zabuza gets cash and kills, while Haku only kills rogues and criminals, since he doesn’t kill the innocent, or doesn’t wish to…” I trailed off.

Haku nodded in agreement, liking my idea. “Very well. I guess we’re bounty hunters now.. huh Haku?” Zabuza asked.

“Indeed.” Was all that Haku said. I frowned as I realized once again that I might not see these two for a long time, maybe even years.

I ran forward and hugged sensei by the waist. “I’ll miss you.” I muttered only loud enough for the two to hear.

Zabuza chuckled with his razor sharp voice and patted my head. “Miss you too kid. Stay alive. Be safe. And kill all of those wusses out there.”

Next, I hugged Haku with all my might. He pulled back a bit and gently kissed my forehead. I could feel the look of daggers behind my head. I mentally sweat dropped, knowing who was giving those glares. Jealously was burning off his back.

“I might want to let you go now, he doesn’t seem to fond of it.” Haku lowly muttered in my ear with a smile in his voice. I knew he was teasing me.

I nodded and gave the final goodbyes. I waited until their figures disappeared into the distance.

I joined the rest of Team 7 and we took the road that led to the Land of Fire.

“Ha ha! As soon as we get back, I’m gonna let Iruka-sensei fix me up a whole mess of ramen to celebrate a mission accomplished. Oh! And wait till I tell Konohamaru about my adventures, the kids gonna worship me!” Naruto exclaimed with his hands behind his head.

“Hey..” Sakura asked.

“Yeah?” Naruto replied.

“Not you, Naruto! Sasuke, when we get back, want to go out and do something together?” she asked.

“I don’t think so.. thanks.” He said in his monotone voice. I snorted and he looked at me with a smirk. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and motioned them towards the pink cotton candy.

He shuddered with disgust and I stifled a laugh. He lightly shook his head and sneakily took his left hand out from his pocket and cunningly took mine. I entwined our fingers together.

It seems that Kakashi noticed since he was looking at me with an amused expression. I glared at him. “Don’t you dare tell anyone.” I muttered quietly.

The grin behind his mask got wider and he continued reading Make Out Paradise. Naruto and Sakura didn’t see out hands since they were walking on the other side of Kakashi. This is how we walked:


“Sakura, I could do something with you if you want?” Naruto asked with a gleam in his eyes. I knew he was imagining himself on a date with that bitch.

“WHAT?” she shrieked and grabbed Naruto’s collar and continuously shook him. “That was a private conversation! Beat it!” she yelled and threw him into the water.

The rest of us sweat dropped and that concluded our journey to the Land of Waves.

End of Chapter 12! Hope you liked it! Comment your opinion or about something FUN you would like to have in the story! :)

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