Ch.15: Interrogation and the Written Exams

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Naomi's POV

The next morning, I woke up with a large yawn that was as wide as the half of my face. Slight tears sprung my eyes as the sudden wave of tiredness hit me.

I groaned and turned a bit on the bed. I accidently smacked my hand across something when I eventually changed positions.

“Oof!” a voice muttered. My eyes snapped open and I looked to the side seeing Sasuke sleeping with his face towards me. My eyes widened as I looked around.

This is not my home! Hmm, I’m probably at the newly built Uchiha compound. I took in Sasuke’s room. The walls were painted a dark grayish color with the clan’s fan symbol imprinted on the wall. The bedroom was quite simple, but huge. It was bigger than my living room! It had a black dresser with a bunch of drawers, a walk in closet, a big bathroom connected, and the bed that I was currently sleeping on. The bed was lined with dark navy blue silk sheets with white pillow coverings.

I shrugged and once again lied down, pulling the covers over to my shoulders. I felt Sasuke’s arm unconsciously pull me closer to him. My back was touching his bare chest and I cuddled closer and breathed deeply with a sigh.

I knew he was slightly awake since I wasn’t so keen on keeping quiet when I woke up. I could feel him kiss the back of my head slightly, and then go back to sleep, gripping on to me tighter.

I softly smiled. I wish we could just stay in this moment forever.

**Time Skip**

When I woke up again, I realized I was by myself in the room. I could hear a bit of noise in the kitchen, so I got out of bed and went outside.

I saw Sasuke cooking some breakfast and decided to help him out. Kissing him on the cheek, I muttered a ‘good morning.’ I went inside the cabinet and pulled out two plates and glasses, and set them on the table.

Sasuke just ‘hmmed’ a response and placed some eggs on the plate, of course with tomatoes on the side for him, since they were his favorite.

“So how did I get here last night?” I asked him as I drank some juice. He looked at me and smirked.

“What kind of idiot falls asleep while sitting on a mountain? I brought you here since you practically wouldn't wake up. You instantly fell asleep on my bed.” He teased and stood up slightly to flick me on the head.

“Ouch! Hey it's not my fault!” I pouted and rubbed my forehead. I playfully glared at him and stuck my tongue out. He rolled his eyes at me but smiled none the less.

Sasuke went to take a shower while I finished up cleaning the kitchen. After washing the dishes, I went back to his room and opened his closet. I picked out a plain black t-shirt that had no collar but with the Uchiha clan symbol on the back. I decided just to wear my shorts from yesterday, but a new top.

Since this was one of Sasuke’s old shirts from a couple years ago, it fit me like a glove. I combed through my hair and sprayed on some of Sasuke’s cologne, which to me smelled amazing, actually.

He finally came out drying his hair and raised an eyebrow at what I was wearing. “Decided to raid my closet I see?” he smirked. I didn’t answer; as I was too busy giving googly eyes to his bare chest.

For a guy who’s pretty young, boy was he fit! His arms were defined and muscles were sculpted on them, his chest was flat, and his abs were starting to be outlined. Not a complete pack or anything, but at least a two pack since he was still young.

The steam from the shower made his cheeks flushed a bit and I could just feel that cocky smirk on his face as he stepped closer towards me. My eyes widened as I stepped back. He kept coming closer until I hit the back of the wall.

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