Ch.22: Tobi and Chasing Sasuke

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I’M SORRY!!!! :( EVEN MY PETTY APOLOGIES WON’T BE ENOUGH! As an author I’m ashamed of not updating! KILL ME, KILL ME NOW!

Life’s just hectic now because of university. Instead of school ending at like 3, it ends at like 7 now! My schedule is all over the place, plus tests, readings, lectures… blah blah blah. If you guys enter uni, you’ll find out! J Please forgive me!

Chapter 22: Tobi and Chasing Sasuke

Naomi’s POV

I stared at the man in front of me. His body and aura screamed ‘danger’ in huge waves. If that wasn’t suspicious enough, I don’t know what was. “Who exactly are you?” I questioned with my guard up.

He darkly chuckled before replying. “You can call me Tobi. Isn’t it surprising that I’m looking at one of the last remaining Uchihas?”

I gritted my teeth in frustration. “How did you know? I’ve always been under the genjutsu!”

I could feel him smirking behind his mask. “Once I knew who your mother was, it wasn’t hard to connect the dots to you also being one of the Sanin’s grand-daughter. I’m surprised other’s haven’t figured it out.” He said.

“Why do you care who I am? Why does it matter to you?” I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“Well,” he smirked “You are someone who will be useful to me in the future. Your power is of use to me and will be required for my plans. You are a piece on my game board that will be watched carefully.”

“So I’m merely a pawn in your game?” I exclaimed

He shook his head a chuckled. “Oh no. No no no. You are more than a pawn… rather, should I say a knight? All of the spots for the pawn have already been taken.” Hehe total Vampire Knight moment!<3

“Let’s hear it,” I started “What exactly are your plans?” I crossed my arms and leaned back on a tree. He went on the opposite side and mimicked my actions. For some reason, we were being casual about this, but I didn’t drop my guard at all.

“Quite the curious one, aren’t you? Well my goal is to make the land of the ninja’s an idealistic world. No wars, no conflict, and peace by purging free will itself from the world.” He explained.

“And how exactly are you going to do that?” I questioned. “Peace will never be completely attained if this world still contains shinobi. As long as shinobi rule this world, true peace will never occur.”

“Exactly. You have taken on the form of your grandfather. Your words are correct, but that is why peace shall be attained in another way. Controlling the world is the only way.”

I scoffed with humor. “How exactly do you plan to rule the world? Last time I checked, it was impossible. But one thing has been bothering me for a while, why are you telling me this? Don’t you think I’ll tell the Hokage and my village?” I tilted me head.

I could hear him chuckling again. Boy, this guy smirks and chuckles a lot. “I’m not worried. I know you won’t tell them. After all, why would someone want to reveal anything to their betrayers.” He spoke. I froze with confusion.

“What the hell are you talking about? Who’s betraying me?” I asked. He just chuckled.

“My my… so naïve. You shouldn’t trust everyone in this world Naomi, not even your family. That will only cause your downfall.”

“What’s going on? TELL ME!” I screamed.

“Why it’s your own village, Naomi. Haven’t you wondered why you barely know your mother? Don’t you wonder why you don’t even know your father? Not even a photo; it’s suspicious. A mere picture should be enough. But they haven’t given you anything.” He explained.

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