Harambe X Curious George

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It was a nice summer day at the Cincinnati zoo, and main attraction, Harambe the gorilla, was swarmed with people, as usual. Harambe quite liked his situation, and to many people's surprise, preferred it over being outside the confines of the zoo walls. In Harambe's words, "It's get your own food, find your own tree,  and do everything yourself out there. In here, I'm well fed, I've got a great tree to sleep on, and all I have to do is jump around every half hour. I tell ya, it's the best thing in the world." The gorilla's life was fairly simple until the day the new monkey exhibit opened up right next to his pit. When there once was silence, Harambe could hear the infernal screeching of the monkeys every time some two-year-old dropped popcorn or peanuts. It was from that day forward that harambe began to hate his life at the zoo. After three months of this, Harambe was ready to unleash his full ape power onto the populus of the zoo for not considering his wellbeing before. That's IT! he thought I can't get one goddamn moment of peace and quiet around here! If those primate bastards don't shut their monkey ass mouths, I'll personally give them a whirl of the Harambe Express!  Those little cunts won't even be able to hold a banana after I'm- his thoughts were interrupted by a small monkey that had wandered out of his cage. "Get the fuck outta here you wanna-be human! This is my pit! No monkeys allowed!" The small monkey just smiled and stared back at him. "I'm sorry sir" he said "I just wanted to get away from those monsters over there, what with all their howling at every movement and constant shit tossing. I feel ashamed half the time I'm over there just because I'm the same species as those goons." Harambe could feel something in his chest, but didn't know what it was. he wanted to ask the little monkey to stay, but didn't know how. "Well, if you want me gone, I'll get out of your hair, I mean fur. see ya round." As he was about to leap out of the pit, Harambe said "Wait! it does get sort of lonely around here, and you seem to be the only monkey who understands what I feel. You're welcome to stay if you like." The little monkey grew a grin that spanned from ear to ear, and replied "Why thank you sir! You have just saved me from more hours of audible torment." "No problem, uh, I didn't catch your name." The monkey was now finding a comfortable spot in Harambe's tree, and said "Oh? Oh! right! my name is George, but I'm called Curious George by everyone I know." Harambe was puzzled. "Why curious george?" he asked. "Well," said George, slightly blushing "I rather enjoy, well, experimenting, If you will, with other animals." "Alright then. No need to go any further than that." Harambe calmy said, although he was surprised and slightly aroused by what George had said. Over the next three months, George and Harambe were inseparable. If George was caught in Harambe's pit and brought back to his own, he'd just go over there again like it was no big deal. One rainy February morning, Harambe woke up to George in his pit, doing something questionable in his tire swing. "George?" Harambe lazily mumbled "Izzat you? What time is it?" Harambe looked at his pit's clock. It was barely five o'clock, three hours before the gates opened. "Morning sleepy head" George said cheerfully "sleep well?" Harambe was confused. "Yeah, I slept well, but why are you here so early? and what are you doing?" George donned a seductive smile and said "I just wanted to watch the sexiest thing in the zoo sleep, and I was doing that until you woke up. I have to admit, you looked so, innocent, while sleeping, so I decided to, well, relieve myself. I hope you're alright with that." Harambe could now see George's monkey dick, and was very turned on by it. being the ape gentleman he was, he turned away and covered his eyes. "Put on some pants, George! I won't look until you've got some pants on!" George put on a pouty face and said like a small child "Aww, you're no fun!" After that, he got on all fours and crawled towards his ape prince. "Come on Harambe. Aren't you a little curious as to what I have going on down there?" Harambe wouldn't say it, but he knew George was right. He did want to see his monkey cock and maybe take it for a spin. "It's alright Harambe. Take a look. No one will ever know." At this point, Harambe could hardly refuse. He uncovered his eyes and looked at George's face. "Go on" said George sweetly. Harambe's eyes slowly traveled down George's body and eventually came to his cock. "Oh fuck!" he said "That's huge!" George let out a giggle. "I'm glad you think so, tough guy. Now fair is fair. Lemme see what you're packing" Harambe froze. "You wanna see my, my, my p-penis?" "Oh yes Harambe! it's all I've ever wanted! Now show me that glorious piece of meat you've got!" Harambe hesitantly show George his cock, which was quite small in comparison to his friend's. "it's SO CUTE!" Cried George. "HEY!" barked Harambe. "Oh I'm sorry sweetie. It just looks so friendly!" Some banter regarding the sizes of the two cocks went on for about five minutes. By this time, Harambe's mouth was watering at the sight of George's dick. "I can't wait another second! George, let me suck you off! I want your sweet juicy monkey cum all over me and in my dirty fucking ape mouth! Please let me taste you!" George stood up, and said "Now with such a proposition like that, I can't say no. C'mere and suck it. Harambe was now glowing with joy "Thank you so much!" he said. George was massive. He easily had a foot long cock, and Harambe was a little afraid he might now be able to fit the entire thing is his mouth. Although this was his first time with another man, he was quite skilled at giving head. He started by licking every inch of his cock, teasing George and getting a taste at the same time. He then began to suck the head, and tongue under the foreskin, getting a satisfying moan from George. Then came the shaft sucking, and from how loud George was moaning and from how fast he came, he knew he was good at it. "Fuck, Harambe. You are amazing at sucking dick. Now let's do that again, but this time, I'm gonna cum all over your face." "But my fur! the people at the zoo today will see!" "No they won't" George reassured. "You can just lick it off, and I'll help if you need some. Now open wide!" Before Harambe could respond, George's member was already hitting the back of his throat. With each thrust, Harambe felt more and more in love and George felt closer and closer to climax. Just as sudden as it started, George pulled out and came on Harambe's face. "OW! YOU GOT CUM IN MY EYE!" "Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to do that. I hope me fucking your ass will make up for that." Harambe was stunned. "What now?" I'm gonna fuck you in your sexy, sexy ass you magnificent king." Harambe did not respond, but instead patiently awaited George's dick. What he didn't expect was before he felt a dick in his ass, he felt a tongue. Harambe wanted to speak but knew it would ruin the moment. The prodding of George's tongue alone was almost enough to get him to cum, but there was still a little bit more that needed to be done. George stopped licking and put his cock to Harambe's ass. He penetrated, and could feel Harambe's tight anus wrap around the head of his cock in the same way a mother wraps her arms around her child. George began thrusting, and after a few thrusts Harambe had already cum. "What's this now?" asked George, still fucking Harambe's ass. "I'm sorry George, you just feel so fucking good inside me. I want you to go deeper, and faster! FUCK MY GORILLA BRAINS OUT YOU STUPID MONKEY!" George obliged. He went balls deep, and continued fucking Harambe until white goo poured from the apes asshole. They were both exhausted, and the Zoo opened in twenty minutes. "That was amazing." Harambe said. "I've never felt that good before in my life! I'm glad I asked you to stay." "I am too, honey bunches." Harambe got cleaned up by both his pool and the light showers of rain that had just started. The two fucked many more times on many more occasions, but it all ended May the 28th, 2016, when Harambe was shot and killed by a zookeeper. 

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