Chapter Twelve

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It had taken all of us about five hours to get here, which left us little of the night. I could smell the sun coming up but I wasn’t worried because them fuckin worms from Satan’s toe fungus were trapped and couldn’t escape. Anyways, we were now at Eddie’s safe house, only we parked a quarter of a mile away so he wouldn’t sense us with his pussy witch power. 

“ Wow, for a secret evil layer, its the most lame and smelly one I’ve ever seen.” 

Yeah, it was so fucking bad, even I could smell it from a quarter mile away. 

“ So, how are we going to take him down?” Melissa asked. 

Evin immediately began to tell us his bright plan. 

“ We’re going to sneak in from A secret tunnel that has been scratched from the blueprints.” Evin began. 

“ Wait, how do you know there’s a secret tunnel?” I asked him. 

Evin just looked at me, as if he was expecting me to get it…. which I did after a second. 

“ Thats where you finished most of your jobs?” I was a little stunned to even think he had used to do all his work in that freaking building. 

“ Hey, whats that disappointing look in your eye?” Evin asked, pouting a little. 

“ I just can’t believe even you couldn’t find a better place than this. I mean, come on, Evin.” 

“ Watch it, Nina, I’m a professional assassin.” Evin pointed at me. 

We all then suddenly heard a growl, which was coming from and growing from Marco’s throat. I touched his shoulder, telling him to stop with just a touch. Marco did but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t glare pitchforks from Satan’s personal stash at Evin. I didn’t bother to tell him to stop because that would be overboard and I liked the fact that even Evin couldn’t mess with me without having to fight a very pissed off and vengeful Marco. 

I made a noise that was in-between a laugh and a snort as I rolled my eyes from what he had said. 

“ Please, you love me the way werewolves would love T-bones and vampires drug overdosed blood.” I told him. 

“ Alright, enough, quit the lover’s quarrel. So, once we’re in, how are we going to find him? How are we going to take him down?” Meave asked us. 

“ We’ll just have to take out as much drones quietly as possible. Mika and I can definitely do that job. The witches can try to cover us so that we can become more invisible and Evin can do whatever since he is, of course, a professional assassin.” Jace explained this all in just one breath. We all just looked at him as if he was the smartest person in the world. 

“ You know, that’s actually not a bad idea.” Evin replied, which shocked me even more because weren’t they supposedly fighting over me? Holy fucking Hell with twixie pix fart bombs from Satan’s ass, I must have overestimated my being their number one concern and attention. 

“ Okay, with that, how about we enter now?” I ask the others, trying to regain my fuck-with-me-and-I’ll-kick-your-dick bad-assness attitude.

They all nodded and we all silently filed out of the car. I was debating whether to turn into a wolf but decided against it since I didn’t want to fight and not able to talk. Of every weapon I ever had, my insulting mouth was the one that both made me a survivor and the one that got me into trouble. I was hoping that it would make me into a survivor once more. 

Marco, who was beside me the whole time, was in wolf form and was protectively walking in front of me. I could feel the protective tension and feeling he was having; it was something I didn’t like at all. 

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