Chapter Thirteen

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Eddied was now walking down some stairs, coming towards me. I didn’t move but I sure as an assfuck’s hell, did snarl. He just gave me pitying eyes. I hate being pitied. 

“ Aw, did you miss me, Nina? Because I sure did miss you.” he said with a baby voice that made me want to choke his brains out. 

“ Look, fucktard, I just came here to kill you so can we just get on with the program here? I’m on a tight schedule and I’m supposed to be out of here in time for dinner.” I tell him sarcastically.

“ Ah, how I missed your sarcasm. I loved the way I would beat ou into bloody near death afterwards.” he tells me. 

I practically had to ore myself not to shiver in the flashing memories of every beating he had ever given me just for being sarcastic, not that it helped taking it away anyways.

“ Oh, come on, Nina baby, you can’t possibly really hate me that much. I mean, I made you stronger. I manned you who you are now. And what are you now? Nothing but strong and fierce… and a whore.” he ended. 

I made a deep growl within my throat. I had never known how low my growls could go but this beat all of the past deep growls I had ever made. 

“ Look, Satan’s herpes virus, you really don’t want to piss me off right now.” I tell him as calmly as I could manage, which was pretty damn calm. My voice and my muscles were as calm as the peaceful eye of a hurricane. 

“ How are the demons, by the way? Have they scarred enough tissue that you’re finally numb to the core? Are you internally bleeding and doing your last act of revenge?” 

Oh my fucking ass hat, he really was the most moronic person in the world. I was betting a thousand pounds of twixie pix dust that Eddie was dumber than a blind worm. No wait…. aren’t worms already blind?

“ What me to release them from the cage they’re in?” Eddie viciously grinned and that was the last straw. 

I leaped into the air and grew my claws from my fingers within milliseconds. I was tired of talking and I was hungry for his blood. Once I was in front of him, I clawed his face, forcing him to tear a scream out of his throat. The scream hurt my ears but I loved it. His scream was music to my ears, addicting me to wanting to kill him even more, slowly so that I could hear it again and again until my urge to have my revenge was quenched and satisfied. 

I was about to give him another claw to his head when I heard magic words coming out of his mouth. I knew what the words would do so before he could even finish his spell, I was already ducking and hitting him in the stomach, taking his breath out as the spell sparked from his hands. Eddie fell to the ground. He lode a little shocked as I stood up. 

“ How the…” 

“ Hey, nutless, Haven’t you learned? I know every words your spells say. I learned your witch language back when you had caged me. Ain’t as stupid as you thought I was, huh?” I asked him, spitting in his face. 

He looked angrier now, which pulled out a psychotic grin from my mouth. His eyes turned wide before they turned into tiny slits. 

I didn’t like to be glared at so I pounced on him again, before he could even make it up on his feet. I sat on his bulging stomach as I gave him the strongest right hook I could throw on his neck, squeezing his throat closed and making his head turn red from the lack of oxygen and from the pain. Eddie’s eyes were wide once more. 

Before I could even more damage, my wolf ears picked up an extra pair of feet that were just right behind me. Before the guy or girl could even push me off of Eddie, I quickly turned around and punched the person right in between the legs. I heard an oof before I saw a guy fall to the ground. I snarled at him and went back to the dickless bit I was punching. 

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