Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Sid Swire

Authors Note:

Picture of what Megan really looks like. Just to make it clear:)


" I don't want to leave James!" I whinned. " I like it in England, I don't want to leave!"

" Come on it'll be lovely in Canada, Kristina." Said mom, "Now let's go, our plane leaves in two hours."

Our house has been emptied over the last few weeks. Everything disapering into boxes or taken by movers in their big trucks.

" Fine, but can I at least say goodbye to James?"

" Yes, but hurry, we would like to leave soon."

When I leave the house to say goodbye, I feel a warm tear trickle down my cheek. I never thought this moment would come. I never thought we'd say goodbye, at least not for a long time. I never knew it was so hard. While I walk down road to James' house, I think to myself, it'll be fine, it's a new place with new people and things. I'll finally be able to restart! When I get to James', I find it a bit hard to knock. I don't think I can do it. I think to myself.No, I have to. I have to say goodbye.So I knock and the first person that comes to the door is Molly, James' older sister.

" Oh, hi Kristina." she said, " I heard the news. I'm so sorry."

" Yea," I replied, " I'm really bumbed. Anyway, where's James?"

" He's in his room, I think think he's.." before she could finish what she was saying I rushing up the stairs to his room.

" James?" I said opening the the door slowly enough to give him a warning.

" Who is it?" he asked. I could tell he wasn't happy.

" It's me, Kristina."

" Kristina?" he said as he turned around.

"Yea. Listen, James, I'm really sorry," I said. " I... I" before i could finish, I burst into tears and ran to hug him, " I don't want to go!" I cried, " I want to stay here!"

With me in his arms, James started stroking my head telling me that everything will be fine and that we will see each other again. Once I stoped crying and had calmed down, I asked James if he had my number. He said he had that, my email and my facebook name. When we finished talking I heard the doorbell ring.

" That's probably my mom." I sniffled and gave James another hug.

" Email me when you get to Canada." he said, " And I mean right away. I'll miss you."

James walked me down to the door. Once we got there he gave me one final big hug before I left.

" Come on Kristina, your little sister is waiting in the car for you."

" Okay, I'm coming." I said, " Good bye James."

" Bye..."

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