Chapter 7

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When we finally pulled apart from the amazing kiss he looked at me with his amazing blue eyes. He looked so cute, his smile, his eyes, him.

" Your beautiful." he told me.

I blushed at those words and said back to him with a smile, " So are you."

" Wanna go to the park?" he asked.

" Of course!" I replied.

I went to get into some actual clothes, for I still had my PJ's on, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After I straitened my hair and threw on some make up, I ran downstairs to Sam who was already waiting at the door.

He opened the door for me and said, " Ladies first."

" Why thank you," I said poshly. After he walked through, he grabbed my hand and "escorted" me to his car. Again, he opened my door and I stepped in. I buckled up my seat belt as he closed his door and ran to the other side. He got in and started the car.

" Buckle your seatbelt mr." I said acting as if I was his mother.

" Yes mom," he replied. We both burst out laughing and kept laughing until we got to the park. Sam and I got out to feel the warm air against my skin. Since it was once the beginning of September, mother nature was just getting rid of the warmth of summer before we would fall into winter. I was getting the last of my daisy-dukes and tank tops before I grew out of them. When I closed my door and turned around Sam was standing right up to my face.

" God!" I screamed, jumping back, " You scared me!"

" Why, yes, yes I did." he said sticking out his tongue and wrapping his arm around my waist. I leaned in closer to him as we walked toward the entrance of the park. There weren't any other teenagers mine and Sam's age there because they were probably sleeping in. It was still only 10:00 am and many people don't wan't to walk at ten am. Sam took me to where we sat the night before.  But today the sky was lovely colors of pink and orange, the clouds were as fluffy as cotton candy and I was sitting with my boyfriend. Nothing could be better. Sam had his arm wrapped around my waist and gave me a little peck on the cheek every once and a while.

Sam pulled me onto his lap and whispered to me, " You are the prettiest girl I have ever seen." 

" Guess you haven't seen many."  I joked before he pulled me into another kiss. He was so soft and delicate with me. Our lips moved together like it was their job. Sam cupped his hand around my cheek and his other hand playing with my hair. It felt like ages until we finally broke apart to the sound of sudden gasping. I turned to look at was Sam was looking and saw the plastics gaping at Sam and me.

" Oh my god," the one in front said, " Sam! Are you dating, that, that... Redhead?" I felt myself tense as I stood up to give her a good talking to. Before I could take a step towards her I felt Sam's strong hand grab hold of mine.

" I'm not going to let them hurt you, I promise." he whispered into my ear.

" But I'm not gonna get hurt, they are!" I whisper yelled back.

" Yea, but if you do hurt her, rumors will go around the school saying the Natalie did nothing and you randomly beat her up and then no one will like you."

" Except you, Jake, John and Kate." I stated.

" Yea. now lets go talk to then and promise me you won't let them hurt you in here." He replied pointing to his heart, " Remember, words can't make me stop loving you."

So me and him walked over to the plastics and Sam said, " Yea, I am dating Kristina. What's it to you?"

" We just thought you were cool. " one of the other girls said. I knew I was starting to tense up again when Sam gave me a little squeeze. I looked up at him and he looked back. I knew he was going to handle it so I relaxed again.

" Maybe I don't care about being cool anymore? I didn't do anything for me." he replied, smugly. I could tell he was trying to piss them off with the expression on his face.

" I'm calling Dylan." Natalie said.

" Have fun. We'll be off." Sam said as me and him walked away. We walked two steps before I felt someone pull back on my shoulder.

" Hey, where do you think your going?" I heard a deep voice say, " You've gotta say sorry to my Natalie."

So this must be Dylan. I thought. I spun around quickly to get his arm off me and slapped him across the face. I turned to look at Sam who had wide eyes.

" Get behind me." he said defensively.

" Hey!" Dylan yelled at us as we ran to Sam's car, " Get back here!"

Sam stopped in his tracks which made me jerk back. 

" Let's go talk things out with Dylan." he said with an evil grin on his face, " You know how to fight?" 

" Of course I do." I replied.

" Good cause I don't think this is gonna turn out pretty." Sam and I walked back to the group. Natalie was standing there hanging onto her boyfriend telling him that everything is fine and all of the other girls were just crowding around.

" Hey! Big boy. You wanted to talk to us?" I yelled, " Or are you busy?"

" Yes I wanted to talk to you! What the hell did you do to Natalie and why did you slap me?" he said rudely. I could tell I slapped him pretty hard because half of his face was red.

" Number one: Nothing and Number two: Because you grabbed onto me!" I spat in his face.

" I could hit you right now!'he yelled at me.

" Do it, I dare you." I said. Before I knew it a great big fist was flying towards me. Remembering what my uncle taught me, I blocked the punch, grabbed his wrist and sent him flying through the air. He landed with a hard thump on the ground.

" Anyone else want to say anything?" Sam asked coming up from behind me. I looked around to see everyone staring worriedly at me. I heard someone typing something on their phone and turned around to see Natalie typing on Facebook. I grabbed the phone from her hand and read what she was typing.

Look what the redhead and her boyfriend did to my baby boy. Join my new chat Hate @JustKristyRoset and @SamMorg67.

I erased everything she typed and logged onto my account.

Look who I found crying like a baby :P HA HA

After I posted it, I logged off and gave it back to her with a smile on my face. She looked at me for a while and then went to care for her boyfriend. Me and Sam walked to his car, joking about how funny Dylan's face was when I flipped him. When we got to the car, like always, Sam opened the door for me to get in. This time though, he did my seat belt for and while leaning to buckle it, he kissed my lips gently. While we were driving back to my place, I looked to see what people posted about me calling Dylan a baby.

"@JustKristyRoset Ha, best pic ever, sending it to all my friends."

"@JustKristyRoset Lol! Gonna hold it over him"

And of course, I got a few rude ones from the plastics.

"@JustKristyRoset Liar, she flipped him! Join Hate @JustKristyRoset and @SamMorg67." 

I also got tons of messages saying how cute me and Sam were as a couple. 

" Whatcha' lookin' at?" Sam asked.

" Facebook." I replied, turning off my phone.

" Anyone being rude?" he asked defensively. I could tell that he would never let anyone hurt me emotionally or physically.

" Just the 'cool kids'" I replied.

" Oh okay, just ignore them." he told me. The rest of the car ride home, we were silent. When we got back to my house, We sat down and put in the movie 50 first dates. Sam patted his lap and I plopped myself down. I probably fell asleep while watching the movie because when I woke up Sam was carrying me up to my room. Sam put me down on the bed and sat down next to me tocking my hair.

" I love you." I said sleepiply

" I love you too."

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