An All Hallow's Eve Slytherin Soireé. Part Three...

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POV: Hermione... Play The Song. 😘💕😏

Draco's villainous smirk pleasurably glowed across his frolicking handsome face. Making me extremely anxious and nervous, but all the same enticingly excited to see what he had planned for us.

He took my hand guiding me up towards a sharply crossed staircase. We suddenly were in front of a door that obviously lead to the boys dorms.

Draco spoke aloud to the door evidently breaking the jinx for me to cross, as girls aren't allowed in the boys rooms.

"Puellas conteram execratione maledicta congessit..." He sexily and fiendishly declared as the mahogany door suddenly changed colors from black, to green, to deep purple shaking like an uncontrollable earthquake.

Then suddenly it brightly glowed white... blinding my eyes and opened by itself, returning to its original wooden brown.

"It's safe now. I broke the curse to get you through. I've never seen it convulse like that though... It was as if it knew you weren't a pure blood or something?" Draco looked concerned for a moment and quickly grabbed my hand pulling me through the door. It slammed behind us making me jump.

"It's fine Granger. Your across now." He wickedly winked at me helping my nerves to settle some.

We walked down the dimly lit and eerily prescient hallway to Draco's room. My heart was pounding in my ears again feeling as if blood might seep out of them because of my anxieties. Obviously my fire whiskey was wearing off...

Apparently we were before his bedroom door finally as he opened it with his mind. His talents proving more and more every time I was around him.

He gestured me to walk in front of him helping me inside, shutting the door behind him.

I was shocked and not so shocked to find that Draco had his own room. Of course he did...

I entered the middle of his room taking in every detail...

His blackened king sized masculine canopy bed, matching dressers, and Slytherin decore exuberantly cascading every wall with banners to pillow cases.

"Nice touch here Malfoy. You wouldn't be a Slytherin now would you?" I teased smiling as I felt him coming towards me and standing his dominant presence behind me.

He brought his sweltering amative hands to touch my back, tracing his hand across my bare shoulders.

"You truly are the most languishing, lustful, beautiful witch of sugary sweet innocence I've ever had the pleasure of knowing..." Draco doted erotically aloud untying my mask letting it drop to the floor.

I turned around to face him. A look of wanton desires fervently infatuated his handsome features. His bluest of blue eyes piercingly fixated on mine, as he bent down for me to wrap my arms around the back of his head to untie his mask.

We were within inches of each other licking our lips and biting the corners our lips, calling our bodies to take each other... My impending nerves to afraid to tell him aloud what I wanted... Regardless of the fact I knew he would take he lead, he knew I was a virgin. And I knew he wasn't...

Draco pulled me closer... wrapping his strong arms around my waist, fawning over my aching body before him. He opened his exquisite lips to speak to me softly...

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