A Night with a Gryffindor...

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POV: Draco. Play the song lovers 😍😏😘

I obeyed Hermione's orders to meet her outside of the Gryffindor dormitories at exactly midnight. I followed her instructions having no idea where their blasted dorms were and finally saw my landmark painting she told me to look for. There was an extremely large portrait of a fat lady in a pink dress snoring away from a drunken stupor still gripping a bottle of wine.

I chuckled aloud poking fun, "This is definitely it."

Just as soon as I reached the painting it slowly opened from the other side being careful not to wake this grotesque woman buried in the painting.

I then saw my Hermione wearing nothing but a long scarlet silkened robe, smiling at me taking my hand and quickly ushering me inside.

As soon as we were inside I grabbed her waist pulling her to me to properly greet her with a lustrous kiss. She pulled away from me whispering, "Not here! Come on!"

She guided me through the infamous Gryffindor Common Room as I took in my surroundings never even imagining that I would ever be in here...

"Merlin it's so fucking brightly cheerful in here I need sunglasses!" I joked laughing. She turned around scoffing at me replying "What are you Dracula or something?" She teased me back and I had no clue who she was referring too. "Who's this Dracula?" I asked climbing the stairs with her now. She turned around stopping in front me with a sexy little smirk, "he's a fictional vampire from the muggle world."

"He must be pretty amazing then if you're comparing me to him." I deviantly grinned while she shook her head and rolled her eyes.

We were in the middle of the girls Gryffindor staircase when she rapidly stopped gesturing me to do the same with fear in her eyes. All of a sudden she gasped looking at me as we heard the familiar sounds of Scarhead and Weasel making their way into the common room going on about Quidditch and Potter's used advanced potions book...

She brought her finger to her lips to tell me to be quiet. Obviously darling...

We quietly ran faster getting closer up the stairs. When I began to feel as if I were loosing my balance all of a sudden?

She opened her mouth to break the boys spell to pass through as my feet were beginning to sink with the stairs starting to melt away turning into a smoothed stone slide which would cause me to go backwards!!!

"Glisseo firmento!" She pointed her wand directly at the stairs pulling me forward and whispered again "run!!"

I finally found my bearings and we made it to the top of the stairs. We surpassed the freaking nightmare slide.

We ran down the long winding isle finally making to her dorm room.

She opened the door quickly as I followed her inside. Catching our breaths...

I instantly noticed her roommate Ginny asleep in her bed and questioned Hermione.

"Won't she see us?!"

She laughed, "no! I put silencing and protective enchantments on my side of the room. She'll never know your here nor will she hear us." Hermione finished with a kiss and I replied, "well that's good because I know how loud I can get you, love." I teased her again as she punched me in the shoulder. I picked her up wrapping her legs around my waist noticing her robe coming undone revealing her naked body to me.

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