The Day I Almost Lost Him...

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POV: Hermione.

Our troubles continued into the next month of Ron being accidentally poisoned by drinking oak-matured mead, laced with death intended to give to Professor Dumbledore.

Draco and I fought for days about this event.

He pleaded with me to drop it. Saying he never intended on Ron drinking the laced mead, meant for our Headmaster. How would he have known that would happen?

I still couldn't wrap my head around Draco's actions in trying to kill Professor Dumbledore. It literally made my stomach turn. This was the last straw. I couldn't let something like this happen again...

Harry, Ginny, and I were in the great hall having breakfast, when I informed Harry that Katie Bell was back from St. Mungo's.

He stood to greet her as I watched their conversation.

Suddenly I looked up to my right seeing my Draco frozen in fear of noticing Harry and Katie speaking.

His guilt ridden conscience spreading all over his delicious body. He quickly wheeled around leaving the great hall. Harry ran after him as I knew something dreadful was about to occur...

I couldn't eat in worrying.

I grabbed my book bag running out of the great hall instantly seeing Harry coming towards me with blood all over his hands.

I screamed, "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I shook panicked in grievances. Trying to control my urges to run to find Draco.

"I almost killed him... Hermione... I didn't know Sectumsempra would literally slash him to shreds." Harry proclaimed in disgust with himself as I held my throat in fear.

"Is HE?!" I cried not being able to control my emotions and not being able to say the word associated with leaving this world.

"No." Harry explained somberly making me feel some relief knowing my love was still alive. "Professor Snape saved him. I didn't know what to do, Hermione. There was so much blood..." Harry paused looking down at his hands as we both stared at my boyfriend's blood stained into his palms.

"Harry you have to get rid of that book! It's evil! You almost killed my boyf... Draco! Go wash up now and we'll figure this out!" I compulsively almost revealed Draco as my boyfriend, luckily Harry didn't notice being too distraught...

I couldn't concentrate the rest of the day.

All I wanted to do was visit my love in the hospital wing. Knowing he wanted me there as well, was positively maddening.

Finally the day was over and everyone had turned in to their dormitories for the night as I made my way to see Draco...

I opened the door to the hospital wing seeing him alone, peacefully resting on a bed.

I quietly ran to him to hold him in my arms.

I sat on the bed crying in silence, kissing his lips. I sat up and sniffed wiping my tears, following with stroking a piece of his frosted hair along his forehead to the side, placing another kiss on my beloved. I whispered to him hoping he would hear me, "I love you Draco. I'm here with you." I closed my eyes feeling my tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Miss. Granger... I am pleased you made it to him this evening."

A familiar grandfatherly voiced echoed aloud as I jolted up opening my eyes to see Professor Dumbledore standing before me, looking down at me through his half mooned shaped glasses.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. I, I was just checking on him. As an acquaintance. I mean a friend..." I stammered not having any explanations coming to my mind, trying to come up with lie.

"Miss. Granger, there's no need to be nervous or afraid of me knowing the relationship between you and Mr. Malfoy. I've known for months. Professor Snape sought my advice on the situation and we both agreed it was good for you two to have found each other." Professor Dumbledore softly smiled telling me of his approval of our relationship.

I didn't know what to think. I was elatedly and confusingly surprised, while he spoke to me again...

"Draco needs you Hermione. You are his key to his happiness. You are His light in the dark, that he hates living in... Draco is not a bad wizard Hermione. He has been forced into this life. He has unimaginable pressures you would not begin to understand. True, he has been up to questionable acts. That I can not fully prove at this moment..." He paused looking concerning.

"Nevertheless you are his only hope of surviving this, Hermione. You have already begun to save him. Love is something of an unstoppable force determined to bring two souls together. Although, you two will face challenges more problematic than most."

"But unexpected love... is the most wonderful love of all."

"Just because you come from two different worlds, doesn't mean you don't belong together. You fight everyday to make it work, my dear."

"This blazoned love happens once in a lifetime Hermione... and sometimes not all... If you find each other in this life, you never let that go..."

Professor Dumbledore leaned over towards me, offering me his silvery linen star embroidered handkerchief.

I sniffed and thanking him wiping my dampened eyes .

"Professor Dumbledore, I am truly in love with him. I will help him forever." I choked through my sobs wanting to spew everything I knew. But I kept quiet for my Draco.

"I know you will, Miss. Granger. You are without doubt his most cherished being. He loves you and he needs a witch of your morals to guide him."

"Keep Draco Malfoy in check, my dear." Professor Dumbledore smiled and sighed as I lightly giggled.

"Well, Mr. Malfoy is well tended. Good evening Miss. Granger." He concluded with a smile leaving...

My heart warmed knowing that Professor Dumbledore knew of our love for each other.

And gave us his immortal blessing...

Speaking of my love, I heard him stirring behind me...

"Heeerrmmiioonne?" Draco softly moaned my name through his pain as I turned to face him.

"Oh Draco, my love, rest. Don't speak, I'm here." I cried holding his handsome face, Feeling my lips quivering.

"I'm alright, Hermione. Even better now that you're here. I'm just tired." Draco told me with his delicious smirk, making me feel better that he was well.

"Draco, I love you so much." I declared laying my head on his muscular chest... hearing his heart beating rapidly in loving rhythms of what I did to him.

"I love you too, Hermione." Draco weakly spoke falling asleep again.

I kissed his plump addicting brims once again biding him goodnight. I hated leaving him... but I knew I had to get back to my dorms.

I had an unnerving feeling this was just the beginning of our troubles. Dark times lie ahead for Draco and I and our Wizarding world.

I could feel hopeless troubles rising up from the depths of my soul...

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