An Evening In The Dungeons...

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POV: Hermione. Don't play the song until I tell you... 😘😏🐍

I was eating dinner in the great hall with Harry. Trying not to notice the new couple Ron and Lavender a few feet away feeding each other like they were god damn babies. And still close enough to hear their revolting baby talking names of "Won, Won..." and "Lav, Lav." Making me want to puke, puke in my chicken pot pie.

I purposely dropped my fork out of disgust not being able to handle it anymore, creating a loud annoyance clinking from my utensil hitting my plate to the wooden table. I also couldn't eat because of my unnerving nerves rippling throughout my body knowing I was about to meet with my secret deviant philander...

"I'm done." I defiantly stated, pushing my plate forward. Harry tried to get me to stay and finish at least having dessert. I quickly gestured shaking my head no.

"Hermione don't let them bother you please." Harry sweetly confided. But little did he know my grievances with Ron were quickly becoming a distance faded memory... because of Draco Malfoy taking over my entire functioning body.

"It's fine Harry. I promise. I'll see you later tonight maybe. I'm going to the library." I foretold my lying plan standing from the table leaving to head for my dorm room to change for my meeting with Draco. Dammit. Malfoy... Malfoy.

I brushed my teeth twice and rinsed my mouth with my Wintering Green Wizarding Listerine. Tossed my hair down for a pretty wavy effortless flow. Retouched my makeup and completed with my sweetened vanilla lipgloss.

I put one of my comfortable sweater dresses on and my other suede thigh high boots that were flats. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard. Even though technically I was thinking about how I had changed, but I liked it. I did this for me. To bring out my confidence even more. Dressing myself up made me feel like a seductress and an adult witch.

I held the doorknob heading out the door, when doubt hit me thinking to myself... what are you doing Hermione? You know this is going to lead to trouble...

I then told my inner angel to shove it and made my way out of the door. I deserved to treat myself on occasion now didn't I?

 I deserved to treat myself on occasion now didn't I?

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Hermione's outfit 😍🖤

Play the Song and Come Back!

I glided down to the dungeons feeling my heart racing, as if I had just ran rapidly throughout the entire castle. My beating, pounding, hungry heart was anxious, nervous, and wanting of Draco Malfoy to find me.

As soon as I thought my sexual anxieties... I simultaneously felt his two slithering hands wrapping around my waist. His body pressed behind my back. He stroked my hair to the side gently swiping his fingertips on the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine, I turned my head to the right, as he reached closer to my ear whispering...

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