An All Hallow's Eve Slytherin Soireé. Part Two...

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POV: Hermione. Play the song lovers...😘

Alas... we were in the hauntingly beautiful Slytherin Common Room. Draco wrapped his arm snuggling around my waist pulling me into his side showing me off to the snake cult... that I belonged with him.

He then whispered in my ear tingling my senses feeling the vibrations of lust radiating throughout my entire body...

"Remember to breathe, baby." He exceedingly muttered my term of endearment... sealing it with an intervolving kiss on my cheek.

He swaggered us proudly to the middle of the party, as every eye in the gigantic room was upon us.

There were whispers swarming around us...

"Who is that with Draco?" "She's beautiful." "That damned Draco gets all the witches..."

The Slytherin Common Room was just as I expected. Gloomy and chilly with traditional garbs of ancient Slytherin decrees and relics. Spookily lit lanterns of green and silver, huge ornate forest green leathered chairs and couches, a beautiful huge glazed black and green marbled fireplace as one of many focal points of the room.

But, perhaps my favorite view was the entire green stained glass windowed wall, overlooking out into the black lake, making it even more ominously alluring. Exactly the nostalgia of Snakelike creepy proportions...

Draco was very protective of me which I found undeniably charming. Both Crabbe, Goyle, and even Blaise, made their way to us, asking Draco questions as he immediately shut them down...

"She's a family friend. Go to your dates while I tend to mine and bugger off." Draco scolded them as they listened to their master walking away looking defeated.

I then felt the shady glares of Slytherin hussy's grouping together gossiping in wonder at the girl, me, whose Draco's entire attention span was completely enamored and focused on. Their leader Pansy Parkinson, was directly in the middle with her bug eyed self staring me down in hatred jealousy. She was the most hated girl in the school, and Draco's rumored off and on again girlfriend.

I ignored her and her minions and put my focus back onto Draco and this amazing party...

I had to admit the Slytherin's put on a rather fantastic event. They even had a DJ with endless flowing amounts of sweetened Halloween treats, Butter beer, and fire whiskey.

Draco was a gentleman offering me delicacy's and numbering amounts of fire whiskey. I hadn't ever had it before and I was instantly feeling the intoxications of the liquor coursing throughout my body bringing out my liquid courage. My 'keep it together' personality left and my affections for Draco were pouring out of me.

The band began playing a song I desperately wanted to dance too. As soon as I thought it, Draco simultaneously and sexily demanded...

"Dance with me."

I smiled with a verbal "yes," as he took my hand wheeling me around in a circle. Ending with shoving me into the front his delectable tight body, with my rump pressed firmly against his tempting waist...

He swayed us down in a sexually explicit curvy "S" coming inches from the stone cold floor. Then repeating the actions bringing us up as one. His face nestled in my neck smelling my perfume embedded into me and kissing my bare skin.

He was incredibly suave and debonair in his controlled movements revealing many things to me...

Draco began caressing his hands dangerously all over my body. He grabbed my hand and circled me to face him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we lusciously stared into each other's eyes, with our faces sexily hidden behind our masks.

He pulled me closer to him... getting lost in each other's gazes completely ignoring the crowd that had encircled us watching our seductive dirty dancing.

Draco began speaking to me in my mind...

"Stay with me tonight." He asked and commanded in one dangerous question. My liquid courage of disastrous results leaked out of my brain responding to him...

"Yes, Draco, I will stay with you."

I revealed to him as I felt my cheeks flushing with heated crimson... ready to take the next level with Draco. I craved him to take my virginity and to have me forever...

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