Chapter 4: Failure to Classes

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To get the next dedication, reply the best answer to my question:  who was the best Harry Potter couple and why?

After a big failure in Charms class, Defense against the Dark Arts, and Potions, it was good to go to lunch.  

I was walking with Scorpius and Rose to lunch, but I was walking in front because Scorpius seemed deep in the conversation with Rose and I didn't want to interrupt.....

When we got to lunch, there were PB&J sandwiches, potato chips, bananas, apples, and orange juice all around the table.

We sat down on the benches at the Gryffandor table.  Scorpius sat next to Rose, and put his head on his head.

"Why aren't you eating?" Rose demanded.

"Not Hungry." replied Scorpius.  

"Are you gonna make me force food in your mouth?  You haven't eaten all day!"  ordered Rose

"Jeez Rose!  Don't be all mom-like! Scorpius doesn't have to eat!" I said to Rose.  

She blushed, then glared at me, and started shoving an apple in to her mouth.  

"What did your dad say when you told him that you got put in Gryffindor?"

"He didn't say anything.  He made my mom talk to me, she was ok with it, just a little upset that I wasn't in Slytherin."

"Oh that's good. You'll talk to your dad soon, don't worry." said Rose.

"Yea, I wouldn't really care if I didn't." replied Scorpius.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because he doesn't even care about me."  

"Oh." we didn't want to put Scorpius through this conversation any further, so we both stopped talking about it.

We all had Herbology next class, so we decided to walk together.

When we arrived at Hogwarts' greenhouse, we found Neville Longbottom with a kitchen apron on, and a wand up to a damaged plant.

"Hey N-er- Professor Longbottom! What are you doing?" I said once we were through the doorway.

"Hey there Albus, and Rose!  Oh nothing, someone just killed a plant last class.  It's nothing really, just a simple repair spell will do the trick."  Neville said a spell, and the plant sprang to life.  

When the rest of the class arrived, Neville started teaching a lesson about a type of plant called "Moonlight Glint".  The flower of the plant was a shiny silvery, purple.  It was sort of the shape of a tulip, but with a hint of rose.

"Now, you can take these back to your corridor for the night, but make sure to bring it back tomorrow. If you do take one, put it near your window when it's dark out, and see what it does.  See you tomorrow!"  Neville said at the end of class.  

On the way back to the school, we had to pass by the Forbidden Forest.  My dad said that there is nothing to worry about the forest, that it's not that scary.  But of course, James had told me scary stories about it.  Uncle Ron once said that he and my dad had to follow a trail of spiders into the forest, to meet a huge spider.  That must have killed Ron because he is deadly afraid of spiders.

When we arrived at Transfiguration, we saw a brown, striped cat, with huge eyes, sitting on the professors desk.  Most of the class was already here, but we weren't late, luckily.

When we sat down, the cat jumped off the desk.  But as it was jumping, it transformed into a person.  The person was Professor McGonnagal.

"Hello, class.  I'm sure you all remember me from last night.  In case you have forgotten, I am Professor McGonnagal.  You will have assigned seats in this class."  There was a loud groan in the class, but Professor McGonnagal ignored it.  "In this class, you will transform animals into goblets, other animals, and for some of you, yourselves into objects or animals.  

"Now if you will line up against that wall, and I will assign you into your seats." 

We all lined up against the wall nearest to the door.  I got paired up with this girl, Daisy, and Rose got paired up with Scorpius. The whole class was just an introduction.  Tomorrow we will be starting the "fun" stuff.  

At the end of class, we walked to History of Magic.  It was, again, an introduction of the class, but Professor Barnacles seemed a little dazed and full of fun.  The desks were made for three, so Rose, Scorpius, and I sat together.

At the end of class, we headed to the Great Hall for dinner.  There was bacon wrapped hot dogs, spaghetti and meatballs, grilled chicken, hamburgers, and soda lined up around the table.  I ate some of everything.  It was Delicious!  

After dinner, we were allowed to roam the castle. Rose, Scorpius, and I decided to back to the corridor.  We watched TV for a while, but then we got tired, so we went to bed.  Me and Scorpius went up to the boys side of the upstairs, and put our Moonlight Glints on the window sill.  It was an amazing sight.

Ok I promised you ages, personalities, and looks... so here you go!  I will also add their house.

Albus Potter:  age: 11  personality: shy, but sweet. a little shaky (but will soon get over that) looks: black hair that goes over eyes, green eyes, a little short (will get tall).   house: Gryffindor.

Rose Weasley:  age: 11  personality: sweet, smart, makes friends easily, outgoing.  

looks: dark, curly red hair,  hazel eyes, pale skin, freckles on her nose, very pretty, average height. house: Gryffindor

Scorpius Malfoy: age: 11  personality: shy, very loyal and boring (will soon get over that)  

looks:  short bright blond hair, silver eyes, tan skin, tall.  house: Gryffindor

James Potter:  age: 12  personality: teasing, popular, outgoing, gets in people's business  

looks: black hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, freckles on his nose.  house: Gryffindor

Lily Potter:  age: 9  personality: outgoing, friendly  looks: red hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, freckles on her nose.

Hugo Weasley:  age: 9  personality: outgoing, friendly, will eventually be charming with girls  looks: light red hair, blue eyes, pale skin, freckles on his nose

Victoire Weasley: age:17  personality: popular, has a crush on Teddy Lupin, has a fake french accent, perfect  looks: long bright blond curly hair (normally in a ponytail), electric blue eyes, pale skin.  house: Gryffindor

Domonique Weasley: age: 14  personality: sweet, girly, popular  looks: red hair with strawberry blond highlights, brown eyes,   house: Gryffindor

Louis Weasley: age: 13  personality: perfect, sweet, charming  looks: dirty blond hair, gold eyes (like a werewolf), .   house: Ravenclaw 

Molly Weasley: age: 12  personality: sweet, smart  looks: orange hair, grey eyes,   house: Gryffindor

Lucy Weasley: age: 14  personality: smart, nice, popular  looks: brown hair, glasses,

house: Ravenclaw

Fred Weasley: age: 14  personality: funny, outgoing, tricky, rule breaker, prankster  looks: dark red hair, blue eyes, pale skin  house: Gryffindor

Roxanne Weasley:  age: 12  personality: popular, good at quiddich, smart, nice  looks: chestnut hair, dark brown eyes, tan skin  house: Gryffindor

Teddy Lupin:  age: 19  personality: charming, sweet, has his eye on Victoire Weasley  looks: blue hair, electric blue eyes  house:  Hufflepuff

Lorcan and Lysander Longbottom:  ages: 13  personalities: twins, outgoing, funny, dreamy  looks: golden hair, dreamy blue eyes, pale skin  house: Ravenclaw

Alice Longbottom:  age: 11  personality: smart, strict  looks: dark curly brown hair, dreamy blue eyes, plae skin  house: Ravenclaw

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