Chapter 6: Daddy issues

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Ok so once in a while, I'm going to have a chapter that is in another person's P.o.V.  Also btw this chapter is dedicated to Ron Weasley because I am overly obsessed with him


Rose had been frightened out of her wits about Mariana Hope being attacked by a werewolf, just off the school grounds.  She had a hard time sleeping last night.

She got up and dressed into her robes.  But then she remembered that today is Saturday, and she changed into regular clothes.  A striped pink and green shirt, a pair of jeans, sneakers, and a scarf that Grandma Weasley had made for her, that had a big R on it.  

Rose had gotten all of her dad's old sweaters that Grandma Weasley had made for him.  She had gotten them because he hated them, they were all girly colors, and they all said R on the front of them.  They were all very ugly, but she wore them anyway because they were comfortable.  

It was already 9:00 so Rose went down to the common room and found Albus sitting on the couch.  Scorpius was sitting in the armchair.  They weren't talking.  Rose went and sat in the armchair that her mom always used to sit in.  She knows this because every time her parents have an argument about Ron never noticing Hermione, he would mention the armchair.

Harry probably sat on the couch, where Albus is sitting, and her dad must have sat in the armchair where Scorpius is sitting. 

"Jeez, Al!  Since when do you wake up this 'early'?" said Rose, always starting the conversation.

"Oh, um, couldn't sleep." said Albus.  

Ever since they had become friends with Scorpius Malfoy, Rose had been avoiding talking to her dad.  He had seriously told her that she was not allowed to get close with him.  But he must have been just kidding... He did fix that to not allowed to get too close with him, even though he was cute...

"Since when do you wake up this 'late'?" Albus said, interupting her thoughts. 

"I have no idea! I can't believe-" but Rose got cut off from a look of sarcasm from Albus.  "Come on guys, I'm starving." 

So they headed down to the Great Hall, where all the other Gryffindors were, and dug into the food.  Scorpius really ate, he ate the most that they had ever seen him eat.  

Soon, Rose and Albus had to stop and stare at Scorpius.  "Dude! I've never seen you eat this much in the week that I've known you!" said Albus, gawking at him.

"I'm hungry!" replied Scorpius, as he finished an omelet.

Just then, the owls flew in, holding packages and letters from the student's families.  Rose owned a cat. His name was Pieface.  Her mom's cat, Crookshanks had kittens with Ginny's cat, Pearl, and Pieface was the result.  Pieface had a smashed in face, and was fluffy all over with orange fur.  

Angus, Albus's owl, dropped a letter off in front of him, and perched on the table, eating some of the food.  Pig, Rose's dad's old little owl, came in excitedly holding a letter. He dropped it in front of Rose, then started hooting excitedly.  

Rose gave him some of her bacon and he flew off.  Scorpius got a letter from a Great-Horned owl that flew off right away.  

Rose opened her letter and read in her mom's neat handwriting:

Hello Rose!

How have things been? Congratulations on getting into Gryffindor! Your father and I are so proud of you!  Have you and Al made any new friends?  Do you have a boyfriend?  We all miss you so dearly! Please write back soon!

Mom, Dad, and Hugo.

P.S. Sorry about sending Pig, hope he didn't embarrass you.

After reading the letter, Rose made a mental note to herself to write back to her mom when she got back to the Common room.  

Scorpius and Albus finished reading there letters.  After putting his down, Scorpius let out a look of relief.  "Good thing that was from my mom, Dad's been scaring me lately." he said, turning a little pink.

"Mine was from my mom too! First letter I've gotten all year..." said Albus trailing off.

"Same here, I'm actually kind of scared to talk to my dad, too." said Rose, making eye contact with Albus.  He understood quickly.

"Why?" asked Scorpius.

"Cause my dad can get a little upset sometimes." said Rose.

"Oh, I heard that my dad used to beat your dad up." said Scorpius looking down.

"That's not true! My dad told me that he gave your dad a black eye in their first year, and my mom punched him in the face!" said Rose, raising her voice.  She should have known that they would be getting into fights like this.

"Oh I never heard about that." said Scorpius, quietly.

"Yea I heard those too." said Albus. "One time, your dad faked an injury with his arm, just to get Hagrid fired, and so that that his Quidditch team didn't have to lose against Gryffindor." 

"You know, I get that my dad was a big cry baby, but you don't have to remind me of it like that." said Scorpius getting up and walking out of the Great Hall.

Albus and Rose looked at each other. "We shouldn't have said anything" said Rose.

"Yea well he shouldn't have said that his dad beat up your dad.  I'm sure that Draco Malfoy had no courage or strength." said Albus.

"Yea I know, and he does too.  We still shouldn't have brought up all those stories that our parents told us." Rose said quietly.

They left the Great Hall soon after that.  "Albus? Can I use Angus to write back to my parents?" Rose asked.

"Yea, sure.  I bet he's in the owlery." replied Albus.  So Rose headed up to the owlery, and sure enough, Angus was sitting there eating a mouse.  

Rose took out a quill, a bottle of ink, and some paper and began to write:

Hey guys!

It's been very good, here at Hogwarts! It's so amazing and wonderful here! Yes me and Albus have been hanging out with Scorpius Malfoy, he got into Gryffindor!  No, don't worry Dad I don't have a boyfriend.  I miss you guys too!  Even you Hugo.  And no Pig is just as cute as ever!

Love you!


Rose gave the letter to Angus and told him to bring it to Ron and Hermione Weasley.  He flew off and Rose stood there for a minute, thinking to herself.

Should she have told them that they have been hanging out with Scorpius? Dad will be furious!  Oh well he deserved the right to know.  And with that, Rose headed back to the Gryffindor common room, to deal with more issues with Scorpius Malfoy.



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