Brother Vampire - Chapter 5

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I was so scared when I couldn't find Joshua that I let my emotions control me and when I found him I was so angry at him that I overreacted. He was just a 3 years old playing with his new toy. I guess I never told him that he couldn't play too far away. The worst of all was that I just made a stupid show in from of people I was about to know. Why couldn't notice them before? I was frozen now. I looked at Gabe's sister who was looking at me with a suspicious look. Then I looked at the woman and the guy on the stairs. They had sleepy faces but they were looking at me curiously. I let go Joshua's hand and he ran toward his bear and hugged it. He stopped screaming but he was still sobbing. I looked at Gabe searching for help.

"Don't worry Heaven, everything is fine" He told me like he was reading my thoughts. He dragged me inside and made me sit on the couch. He looked at the woman and the boy and gesture them to come closer. They walked and sat on the big couch next to the young girl that I guessed was Gabe's sister. Then Gabe walked to where Joshua was and picked him up and walked toward me. He didn't sit in the couch; he just stood beside me holding Joshua that was hugging tight his little bear. Joshua rested his head on Gabe's shoulder. Gabe gave him a little pat on his back. Then looked at me and started talking. "Family this is Heaven." I felt all their eyes on me now, but then I remembered that they were already on me. "That one right there" Gabe said pointing at the girl "Is my little sister Leah"

"Hi" she said waving at me. She looked nice. She was definitely younger than me.

"That woman beside her is my mom" Gabe continued.

"Nice to meet you" she greeted me.

"And the boy beside her is Xander, my brother" He pointed at the handsome boy beside Gabe's mom. He looked a little like Gabe; the only differences were that he was taller, his hair was shorter and that his eyes instead of green were grey.

"Big brother now" Xander said Smiling, he had a nice smile.

"Oh don't start with that" Gabe complained

"Whatever you want, little bro" He said and laughed. He liked to bother his brother.

"And well Dad is right now working. He had the night shift at the hospital" Gabe continued talking ignoring Xander.

"Don't worry sweetie, you will meet him tomorrow" Gabe mom added. She was a beautiful woman in her forties.

"Thank you all for helping me" I had to say.

"That's what we do, Hon" She said giving me a smile "That little boy had to be saved, It's not fair what they want to do to him"

"What? Who?" I asked confused. What was she talking about? Did someone tried to hurt Joshua while he was missing? Why no one told me?

"Gabe" she now talked to Gabe "Why haven't you told her what is going on?"

"I was about to do it mother" Gabe answered her.

"Well you better do it" she said and then stood up. "I guess I'm going to bed" she said. That was why she looked sleepy, she isn't a vampire. She is human. "It's 3:00am, honey" she told me "I better go to sleep or I won't be able to go to work tomorrow, Gabe will explain everything to you." She gave Gabe a menacing look.

"I will mom" Gabe said.

"Good, now let's go Xander, we should get some rest" that's when I noticed that Xander wasn't a vampire either.

"Nah, I'm good mom, I'll go later" Xander responded.

"Do whatever you want, but I really need to get some rest." Then she looked at me and continued talking "nice meeting you Heaven, guess I'll see you tomorrow"

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