Brother Vampire - Chapter 9

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This chap is a little bit shorter than the usual but I hope you like it! Vote comment!!

Chapter 9

When I was alone wondering the streets I made a promise to myself that I would never trust anyone. I was doing everything alone and it was better that way. I could barely take care of Joshua and me. I couldn't care for anyone else; one more to trust meant one more I would care about. I tried hard for months to keep my promise, but I failed.

Here I was sitting at this small table with Xander, a guy who's family welcomed me to their home, they bought us clothes and gave us food, and I couldn't give them anything in exchange. I felt like a leech sucking their lives for my own benefit. This was wrong. I had to get away as soon as I could. I closed my eyes trying to clear my mind but it was all blurry inside.

"are you alright?" I felt Xander's hand sweetly stroke my hair.

"I don't know" I honestly answer and kept my eyes shut.

"Want to go back home?" he asked concerned. I made my stomach twist. This shouldn't be happening.

"Yes" I answer. I had to do something soon.

We walked to his house. He didn't ask while we walked. I think he was expecting me to say something but I couldn't. I knew that if I told them I was going to leave they would try to stop me. As soon as we got there I walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I probably left Xander behind wondering what was wrong with me but there was no time or space to worry about him. Right now I had to make a plan to go away without too many questions. I looked at Joshua who was still peacefully asleep. I lay down beside him, thoughtfully. I closed my eyes to get some peace and I felt my body heavier. I was sleepy. I decided to take a nap and leave at night when Joshua was awake. Right now I needed energy to go through the long night I had in front of me.

I could barely sleep with all the thoughts swimming trough my mind. I only manage to get a few minutes sleep. When I woke up I decided to reunite all our belongings. I left out of my backpack everything that Maggie had bought us. After all it was her stuff and I didn't want to steal it. They did so many things for us and I couldn't do that. When I finish packing my stuff I proceeded to wake Joshua. I peeked through my window to make sure it was dark. Thankfully November has long nights.

I woke up Joshua by calling his name and shaking softly his foot. He slowly began to open his eyes. He looked at me and smiled. I love his smile. I picked him up and hugged him. He didn't hug back. His arms were hanging lazily beside him.

"Hi Joshua" I said

"Hi Heaven" his little voice answered. He moved in my grip and I let him go. He stood on the floor and walked to where his teddy bear was. He picked it up and looked around like searching for something. "Where did all the stuff go?"

"What stuff?" I asked.

"Our" he said pointing to where his jacket was.

"Oh, I packed it" I answered

"Why?" I sat on the bed before I answer; I knew this was going to be hard for him.

"Come here, sit on my lap" I said. He obeyed and sat on my lap. I could see the confusion on his face. "Listen, we are leaving today"

"Where?" he curiously asked. He didn't understand what I really meant.

"Listen we are not coming back, we are heading back to the streets again" I confessed.

"Why?" he said and stood up. I tried to hold his hand but he moved it away "Why?" he asked again

"Joshua, we can't stay here anymore. I guess this is hard for you to understand but please trust me"

"NO!" he screamed at me. He was frustrated. "I like it here" he screamed at me again.

"I know you do but..." I started saying but he interrupted.

"NO!" he screamed again.

"Please Joshua" I said. I stood up beside him and tried to grab his arm, but he quickly moved away and ran to the door. "Joshua, wait, please" I said but it was too late, he already opened the door and ran outside.

I followed behind to find everybody reunited at the living room. This is my worst nightmare. Gabe and Leah were there too, so I guess I slept more than I thought. Joshua quickly sat beside Gabe and grabbed his arm. Great this people must think I'm a child abuser. I froze in front of them, not knowing what to say.

"What is going on here?" Gabe asked breaking the ice.

"I don't want to leave" Joshua cried. Great, now my secret wasn't a secret anymore.

"Where?" Xander asked him.

"I want to stay" Joshua replied. Before it was too late I decided to talk.

"Listen guys I really appreciate all you guys have done for me, but I think is time for me to go" I said

"That's not necessary" Gabe said "We are helping you out, you can stay all you want"

"Listen, I just don't feel comfortable with all of this" I tried to explain but I know it what useless.

"We do it because we want to do it, we are not asking anything, you don't have to leave" Xander said. I looked at his face, I could see the concern. I tried looking away but his face was already in my mind.

"Heaven" Maggie said "What is bothering you? Can you talk about it?"

"I feel that I'm abusing here. I'm getting stuff without doing anything. I feel like a parasite"

"I understand" Maggie said

"Mom" Xander started to protest but Maggie shut him.

"Maybe there is something we can do" she said.

"Like what?" I said upset. I felt there was no leaving the house now.

"Maybe we can help you get a job, that way you can pay for your stuff and you don't feel guilty about it, you will have a safe place to stay and we can take care of Joshua while you work" I thought about it. The offer sounded nice.

"The strees aren't safe for you guy anymore" Gabe said.

"Please stay" I heard Xander's pleading voice say.

"ok" I said giving up

This chap is fr my friend the husky girl!!! for insisting to get going and keep writing!! hope you like it!

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