Brother Vampire - Chapter 8

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Ok people I never do this but I wanted to tell you guys that if you guys have some extra time can you do me a favor and check out this story. It's called LET IT BLEED by liliamcarmine. I'm not asking because she is my friend or anything, I don't know who she is but I read her story and it is awesome and she deserves more feedback! So if you get a chance read it!!! She is one of my fans you can find her!! she is the one with the vampire teeth. Ok thanks!!! now back to the story!


Chapter 8

I looked at myself on the mirror. What I saw was different from what I expected. The first thing I noticed was that I was wearing a white nurse uniform. It fit me well, like it was mine. I looked at it curiously. It made me look older, like a full grown woman. I also saw something else that made me look older, I had makeup on. It had been so long since I last wore makeup that I looked so different. My hair was fixed into a ponytail that made my face easier to see. My eyes were surrounded by a thin black line of eyeliner. I also had a pastel green, glittery eye shadow that looked perfect with my blue eyes. I continued looking at my face and saw my cheeks had a rosy color. I kept looking down and I found my lips with shiny pink lip-gloss. I looked at me again. I looked beautiful, no more dark circles around my eyes, this new me looked happy and healthy. I smiled at my reflection. I took a deep breath admiring myself. When I finally absorbed the new me I continued by looking at my surroundings. I was inside a neatly clean bathroom, which I didn't recognize. I decided to go out and find out where I was.

As soon as I opened the door the first thing that came to my view was a little boy standing in front of me. He looked at me and started giggling. His voice was angelic, it filled my soul. I looked at him studying him. He reminded me of Joshua but he was still quite different. His hair wasn't blonde like Joshua's, this kid had dark brown hair. But his eyes were the same shape and color as Joshua's. Those blue eyes were as impressive as my little brother's. But the main difference between him and Joshua was this kid age. The boy was probably a couple of years older than Joshua.

"I was looking for you and you scared me" He said in an angelic voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I said confused. I didn't know who this kid was but whoever he was he knew me.

"No problem" he said and looked at me. I looked at him in front of me.

"Why were you looking for me?" I asked wanting to know more from the child.

"Well..." he said getting closer to me, when he was really close he jumped on me giving me a big hug "Can I please have the piece of cake that is left? Please Mommy"

Mommy? I was even more confused now. I was a mom? What was happening here? I felt I was about to faint. My sight started to get blurry and suddenly everything went black. I was dizzy and I felt like something was moving around me, but I couldn't tell what. Then I had the sensation that I was falling and then I hit the ground. But it wasn't painful; it was like something soft had caught me. I opened my eyes to find myself lying on my bed next to Xander who was sitting on the edge looking at me. That's when I realized that everything before was just a dream.

"I'm so sorry" Xander quickly said and stood up. "I fell asleep here last night, I didn't mean to do it, it was just I was tired and I didn't notice, I'm so sorry" He quickly said. He looked scared. "and I'm sorry I woke you up"

I looked at him numbly trying to absorb what he had just said. My mind was still on the dream. I tried to concentrate on Xander's words before I speak.

"It's alright" I said when everything was clear. I rubbed my eyes. I felt some headache and massaged my forehead trying to soothe it.

"Are you ok?" Xander asked concerned.

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