Brother Vampire - Chapter 4

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My heart was beating so hard I couldn't handle it. I was frozen still. This had never happened to me. I looked around trying to see if Joshua was around but it was too dark to see. I felt the urge to cry, but I stopped it. I needed to have my mind clear if I wanted to find Joshua. I took few steps forward trying to escape my numbness.

"Joshua, where are you?" I asked, but the only response I had was my own echo. "Oh come on Joshua this is no time for games" I kept saying but deep inside I knew he wasn't around.

I stood still and held my breath trying to see if I could hear something, but all I heard were people talking outside. I tried calling him one more time, but I still wasn't getting any response. My legs started shaking in fear. This was wrong, very wrong. When my eyes adapted to the faint light coming from outside, I searched the building. I looked everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in here. I went to my resting spot and looked for my backpack. I took a deep breath and went outside.

I stood frozen when I saw so many people on the street. Too many lights on, the street was too crowded, tons of kids wearing... costumes? It was Halloween. Tons of kids were running around with their costumes. All and each of them carrying baskets hoping to get them filled with candy. I had forgotten what day was today. This only complicated things. With too many kids around it was hard to look for a single one, but I had to find Joshua. I took a step into the crowd looking at every child around me. They were all screaming and laughing which was only making me nervous. I kept walking, searching for Joshua but this seamed nearly impossible. I looked around to see all kind of children's faces, but none of them was Joshua. My heart was accelerated, I couldn't just loose him. After an hour of searching I sat down on a bench, trying to relax myself and think. Where could he be? I had no criminal mind to think where someone could have taken him if he was stolen. I felt so alone, I felt devastated. I just hoped he was ok. Suddenly I felt my sleeve being pulled. My body was filled with joy but when I looked I only saw a little girl dressed as a ladybug. My heart was suffering once again.

"Trick or treat" she said with the most adorable little voice. She put her basket in front of her and her caramel eyes begged for candy.

"I don't have anything" I told her and looked away.

"You are so stupid" she told me losing her sweetness and throwing a hard candy that hit my head. I just ignored her. I wasn't in the mood.

I stood up and walked away from her and everybody else. I went to a quiet spot and sat on the floor, immediately I started crying. I cried until my eyes couldn't handle it. My heart was torn in so many pieces that it was torture what I was feeling. Why did I fall asleep? I asked myself, but I knew the answer, I needed to sleep. It just wasn't fair; I gave my whole life for him, why this had to happen? He has to be alright. I stood up again and wiped my face with my sleeve and kept walking searching for Joshua. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find him, every step I took felt like a knife piercing my heart. The more I walked it felt like chances of finding him were decreasing. I decided to return to the building we slept last night, maybe Joshua was just wandering around and he returned to the building and now he is looking for me. The though made calm a little. I had hope.

I ran to the building to find it empty. It wasn't what I expect it. I returned outside once again to continue my agony. I search for few more minutes until I was in front of the toy store Joshua and I went last night. I decided to come in, in case Joshua just came here to play, but once again my theory was wrong and he wasn't there. I went outside again and stood in front of the store letting the memories of last night torture my head. I was almost daydreaming when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I felt happy for a second but then I thought it couldn't be Joshua because he couldn't reach my shoulder. I turned to see who it was.

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