Chapter 9

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After I crashed hard last night from all the work Amanda and I did on my room, I woke up well-rested but very sore. I looked over at the clock 7:34. Ugh why am I awake so early doesn't my body know how to sleep in. I grumbled to myself and sat up, today is my mother and sisters funeral and I wish I could just not go. I throw off my blankets and went to my bathroom; I skipped showering because I did that last night. I opened up my medicine cabinet to get out my toothpaste when I came face to face with a bottle of pills. 'These may help you.' The doctors' words echoed in my head. I grabbed the vial and looked at it Abilify was what it was called. I decided to take one and see if maybe it will help me today, I am really going to need it. I brushed my teeth and hair and went down stairs.

"Rochelle, we will be leaving around ten to head over to the funeral home." Stacy told me


I took a seat and ate my bowl of cereal. Nothing big this morning my stomach was already in knots I did not need to throw up. I ate in silence and just wonder what today will bring, I have been to funerals before with my mom for some relatives and they were always so sad and depression. Everyone wore black and cried. Will today be the same as those? I remember my grandma's funeral and the casket was open so people could view her body, I do not remember if the caskets will be open or not, I kind of tuned everything out and let Stacy do most of the planning for me.

I put my bowl in the sink and mopped back up the stairs to my room, even though my room was cheerful it did not make me to cherry. I sulked down in my chair at my desk, the necklace was there with the letter, and I pulled them both out and re-read the letter.


If you are reading this then it means I am now on my way to the golden gates to become an angel with god. My job down here must have been finished and he needed me. I know for sure that you are hurting in so many ways but please my angel do not. I am okay and I will always watch over you. Please do not shed another tear for me. I want you to move on with your life and fulfill all your dreams. This is not a good bye this is just a separation for now I will see you again. I will always be with you, I will be the sun in the sky on a sunny day, the wind that blows you long brown hair, I will be the stars at night and I will always remain in your heart. My existence may be gone but our memories are not. Cherish each one just as I did. Your are strong young lady and I know you will be fine just remember what I taught you and know that everything will be fine. Please Rochelle stop crying, for me. I know you are crying I can see it. I know you hurt and I know you are confused but in time, it will get better. Stacy can help you just give her call, she will have the answers to heal your heart.

I love you Rochelle do not ever forget it. You are my angel on earth and I am yours up in heaven.

Love, Mom

I set the letter down and put the necklace on, "I will need you with me today more than anything mom." I said to no one.

"Rochelle." Stacy said outside of my door

"It's open."

"Hey honey, I picked this up for you when I was out the other day." She handed me a dress bag.

I opened it up and inside it was a simple black dress with a v-neck, had a little belt with a red flower on the side and the sleeves where about three inches wide.

"It's pretty, thank you."

"Your welcome, we will be leaving soon so please get ready, I know today will be hard but we will all be with you."

"Thank you."

She left my room so I could get ready to go. I slipped into the dress and some black flats to go with it. I went into my bathroom to do my hair, I settled on a waterfall braid with a few strands of loose hair left around my face. I applied some waterproof mascara and eyeliner and walked out of the bathroom. I went down to join everyone in the dining room.

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