Chapter 12

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A/N A few weeks have gone by now. 2 months since the accident, a month since the funeral.

Warm water cascades down my body as I relax in the shower, the swirl of water and blood flow down the drain, my pain is replaced with a comfort my body has lacked. This is my ecstasy, my way to replenish myself and rid my body of the ache that remains in my heart. The loss of my family as taken more of a toll then I had imagined. My mother and sister gone only memories now as their corpse rot into the ground, my father yet again another memory but still around. My only escape is my shower and blood.

My happiness is created by this perception that the only way to fight is to be able to bear the pain. IN order to endure the pain I have I create a new one, not many people will understand my logic hell I do not  sometime, all I know is that I am hypnotized by the feeling and I am not ready to give it up.

I ended my shower when the hot water started to cool down, I slipped into some shorts and a tank top. It was Sunday night and tomorrow was Monday. I brushed my hair and put the necklace my mother left back on. Ever since I found it with the letter she wrote I have wore it since. Call me crazy but wearing it makes me feel like she is still with me.

I crawled into my bed and got comfortable. My bed was cold but would soon warm up. I rested my head on my pillow and shortly after sleep came to me with no problem.

Another fabulous Monday morning. My alarm screamed beside my head waking me from my sleep. I slapped the annoying thing off and just laid there for a few minutes. I had some time it. My eyes slowly closed and within seconds I was back to sleep.

“ Rochelle, wake up we will be late.” Amanda screamed at me.

I bolted out of my bed, shit I must have fallen asleep. I gave my clock a quick look. 6:57 am. I scurried to my closet, no time to be meticulous today. I grabbed a pair of white shorts, a cami and quickly got dressed. I through on my all-star converse and ran to my bathroom. I brushed my hair and through it in a sloppy bun, hair sticking out everywhere, I finished off with some make up and was set. I grabbed my book bag and phone and was down stairs in mere minutes.

I did not have time for breakfast so I grabbed a banana and a protein drink from the refrigerator.

“ Come, on you can eat that in the car.” Amanda said

Before I could even buckle up Amanda was already reversing out of the driveway. She turned the radio up and we sang along to every song that came on the radio.  Passing cars would shot us some looks as if we were on drugs. We are seventeen what do you expect.

Amanda parked the car and we both got out.  The schoolyard was already full of chatting students, we made our way though the school doors.

“Hey,ladies.”  We were greeted by Amanda’s friend Robbie.

“Hey Robbie.” We responded in unison. He was actually very cute, he had dark brown messy hair, I do not think he owned a comb, dark eyes that would suck you in like a under toe if you stared to long. He was cocky but not too cocky, you could tell that he had a nice body under his cloths just by how they fit.

“Looking good as usual Rochelle.” He flirted

“Robbie you say that same thing every morning.” I bantered.

“Well it is true ever morning.”

I rolled my eyes. He was something else, I did not mind that he complimented me. We continued or walk to our lockers.

“ Ya know Shelle, I think he likes you.” Amanda stated.

“Ya, think?” I questioned a little more excitedly then intended.

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