chapter 24

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Dear Self Harm,

I love you dearly but its time to go,

I want you so badly, im sure you know.

The time has come that we must part,

You only made me fall apart.

I felt I needed you in my life,

But now I know that you cause strife.

You made my friends all turn from me,

I think even my family hated me.

You helped me out, but left your scars,

They constantly remind me of who you are.

I used to think I needed you,

But we both know that isnt true.

Goodbye my Dear I wish you well,

Today it is my last farewell,

I know that even once we part,

You will remain in my heart.

The scars I obtained remind me of you,

And everything that we got through.

I know that now Im strong enough,

To indefinitely give you up.

A brand new girl is shining through,

And all this is simply because of you.

If we never crossed our paths,

I would not have such a strong heart.

You have helped me oh so much,

You changed my outlook with your touch.

Im sorry now its time to go,

To my new life I say Hello.

I read this poem repeatedly; Stacy brought it to me and told me that this is what helped her begin her new life. As much as I knew the things that, I did where wrong I could not stop because it gave me that satisfaction of alleviating the everlasting pain that in the end will always remain. My mother and sister are gone and flying high up in the sky, they look down on me and watch me from up there. The things I did to help cure my pain only made them ache for me. My actions are not recommended to anyone out there, the things I did and the pain I caused was not worth it. I am now forever scared for what I have done when all I needed to do was actually turn to my friends and ask them for help.

Hold your friends close and your family closer do not close them out or push them away because when you hurt they hurt. Do not let your emotion take over your mind or body because I did and it almost cost me more then I wanted to sacrifice. Life is short and sometimes ends to soon but no matter what happens there is nothing we can do. Take it how is dealt to you because the things that you will endure thought out life are what will make you stronger every day. Hold your head up when you few down because the is someone who is watching from up in those clouds, life may end down here on earth but up there in the sky it is just starting.

I was once a Broken Angel not able to fly but after a longer battle with myself I managed to pick myself up and now I fly, I fly high. One day I will be reunited with them but until I am I will soar though this adventure we call life with no more worries because I know now that no matter how bad life gets it always gets better.


This is the end of Rochelles battle with her demons. I hope you all liked it and I really hope that maybe it will also help some people too. The poem up above was not wrote by me. I found it on google. Thank you all again for reading my story I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for all the support ~C~

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