Chapter 8

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I just stared at my ceiling. I have been awake for a while now, I did not have a nightmare or anything I actually sleep well and now I actually feel awake, well I did until I looked around my room and realized how depressing it looked. The walls where bare no pictures, the color was neutral but the room really lacked some spunk.  I quickly got out of bed before the depression of the room soaked into me again. 

I went down stairs to join everyone else and eat some food. I have been trying to occupy my mind with other things so I spent less time dwelling on what happen.

“Good morning.” They all greeted in unison

“Morning.” I gave a small smile

This morning Stacy made eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast along with some apple juice and a fresh fruit salad. I took my seat next to Amanda and waited for Stacy to hand me my plate.

“How was your walk?” Stacy asked

“Nice, it helped and I read the letter mom left me.”

“That’s great, did it help?”

“A little.”

The conversation ended there and we all started eating out food. The silence filled the room like every other morning. I have become to hate silence in the past week or so because that is all there is.  Silence only allows my mind to travel to the thoughts of my dead mother and sister and right now, I really want to think about something else to ease the pain.

“So I have a question.” I spoke up. All eyes shot to me as if I was foreign

“What’s the question?” Bruce asked

“Well I was wondering if I can um, kind of redo my room a little.”

“May I ask why?”  He questioned.

“Well I was thinking seems how I will be here for a while now maybe I could give the room a personality kind of like mine.”

“Uh, huh.”

“Rochelle you can do whatever you wish to your room, just nothing to crazy.” Stacy chuckled

“Ah’ man I so was hoping to paint pictures of little bunnies.” I jokingly pouted.

The room erupted into laughter and the mood lightened. We made some mild chit chat as we finished breakfast. I felt almost normal again. I mean yeah I am still normal but that ache in my chest would lighten when I was around everyone, part of me felt a little guilty for letting the ache dull down.  After we finished our breakfast, Amanda and I cleaned up the kitchen for Stacy.

“So do you want to help me?”  I asked her

“Sure, I would love to.”

After the dishes, where loaded into the dishwasher we parted ways so we could both change. After I got into something comfortable, I made up my bed. As I shook out the blankets of wrinkles, there was a shower of papers that floated from the air. Crap, I forgot about the stuff from the lawyer’s office. As I bent down to pick up all the papers I briefly looked over them, I knew what they were but have not actually looked at them myself.  After each one I would put it in a pile in the folder neatly, the last piece of paper I picked up was a few pages stapled together. I read the page to see what it was.  Bank statements, as I flipped through the pages my eyes bulged out of my head at the total amount at the bottom of the last page. 1,500,000.00 total balance. I dropped the paper. That was a lot of money, I knew we were ok with money but hell I did not know we where rich. I looked over the other papers again, the deed to the house was just saying we owned it but also attached was an ‘appraisal ‘I didn’t really know what that meant but followed after was an amount.  I started to feel a slight headache coming on from my lack of understanding of this and my overabundant amount of trying to concentrate on it. I pushed all the papers into the folder and stood up.

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