Chapter 10

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I woke up Sunday morning feeling surprisingly ok considering we just had the funeral yesterday. I got out of bed, did my morning routine, and went down for breakfast. Tomorrow starts school and today is my last day of freedom. In a way I am glad school starts, it will be a great distraction for me.


“Morning sweetie.” Stacy greeted

I took my normal spot at the table. Stacy was just making breakfast and no one else was down here yet. As Stacy moved around the kitchen scrambling eggs, frying bacon and pulled some cinnamon rolls from the oven I sat back and watched. I wondered how she hid her emotions; you could never really tell what she was feeling unless she wanted you to.

“You’re up early.” Amanda stated taking her seat next to me.


She grabbed a cup and poured herself some juice. “So we normally go shopping the day before school to get the last bit of stuff we need. “

“Oh, ok.”

“Is that something you want to do?” she asked

“Sure, I need some new cloths anyway some of mine seems too big.”

“That’s because you need to eat more.” Stacy interrupted.

She was right though, I did need to start eating more, lately I eat like a bird, yeah I eat but it has been small amounts. When I would try to eat more, I found myself puking it up. No one knows about that though no need to worry them and no I am not bulimic before you ask that, it’s just my nerves have been shot and food was the last thing I needed.

“I know.” I agreed

Bruce and Hannah walked in and joined us just as Stacy set all the food on the table. You would think this family was obese or something with the amount of food Stacy cooked and they all ate but they were not, they where all fit, maybe because Bruce thought that a gym in their basement was a good idea and on Stacy’s down time she teaches Zumba. 

“So where do you guys normal do your shopping at?” I broke the silence

“We normally hit every shop in town then the mall.” Amanda answered

“Why so many stores?”

“Really Shell? We have ten months of school.” She stated as if it was obvious

“Yeah I know, but why so many stores?”

She shook her head.” You never want to be the one that has the latest fashions last.”

“Um’ okay.”

That was like the dumbest thing I heard, in my school fashion did not matter really, ok well it did but not that bad. As long as you owned at least one thing in the newest style you where ok. Mainly at my school what made you or broke you is what extracurricular activates you where in.

After breakfast, I put my dishes in the sink and went back to my room to tidy up and get ready to go. Amanda informed me that we would be shopping all day. I got dressed as I pulled my shirt over my arms I winced; I looked at my wrist and completely forgot about the cut. Looking back at last night, the way that pain made me feel was exciting, even though it was slightly uncomfortable the pain was welcomed, it was as if what I did was narcotic, in the moment I had no pain and after the fact I felt renewed. I grabbed a bracelet to cover it up, do not want to explain that to anyone.  I finished up by putting my hair up in a ponytail and put on some make-up I grabbed my clutch purse and went down stairs.

As I came down the stairs, Amanda stood there tapping her wrist as if she was wearing a watch.

“What?” I asked slightly confused

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