Chapter 026

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I don't like getting specific; I was always bad at explaining. That was one of the stern things that would never change. You see, my mind saw reality before I met Cole. I saw problems that were bigger than they actually were or not even there. But I still had a conscience, something that drew me to the ground and kept me sturdy.

The easiest way to explain this is this; I was pinned to earth. I was grounded. Sterner than anyone, I could've even been dug into a hole so I was more conscience than anyone. When I met Cole, he was floating. Not flying, but floating. And he controlled how grounded he could or couldn't be. Some days he'd nearly step on the ground and other days he'd be a metre above the ground. But he had control.

From my point of view, from that deep hole, I longed for the freedom of controlling that. I wanted what Cole had. So I stuck round. I kept him quite close and began this mind-set of falling in love with him for an excuse to not leave his side and learn how he does it.

I managed to get out the hole. I was on the ground. I was average, but he was still hovering next to me. I should've stopped there but what good would that do me?

A few weeks pass and it's okay to say I was obsessed. Yet I went to drama school, so pretending to be shy or awkward came like the wind. But as people like me do, I spun out of control and began to lose that ability. It became obvious something was off, I began bringing emphasis on ignoring unfortunate things. In fact, I acted as though they never happened.

Precisely, I hereby wish to cause no worry, but I had a strange problem. I had lost my genuine side, the one side of me I loved and wished each individual had owned. I had lost what once, from the word of penny, made me unique. Now I was only left with jealousy, a bitterness for an aftertaste.

No one had mentioned it, how obnoxious I was, but everyone knew it. I knew it. But, as I had thought I would, I ignored the matter, pretended it was just an issue I was making up like once. Except those were exaggerations, and this was a constant problem I had failed to own up to.

I'm confusing you, I know. It seems all strange and odd and out of place, and it is. It very much is just a massive mess. There's not much to say. I had lost it all, and within all this hurricane that I had come to be buried in, within the rushing winds of problems and spiralling absence of control, I had come to foreshadow that soon, I would lose everything.


Sorry for the mONTHS of break. I was actually focusing on exams and revision and other lies. I had started to write another story AFTER I finish this one, and don't you worry your little nose off because I have prepared chapters for this story coming up very very soon. Thank you for the endless support and the 23 THOUSAND READS oh my goooodddddneesssss

Love, love, love.

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