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421 years ago...

I had queen's blood all over my pants.

My knees started to ache, the coble floor biting into them. I scrubbed, the repetitive motion calming. I'd done it this time for sure. The brush did nothing to clean the mess only spreading crimson everywhere. I was in denial.

I couldn't just leave it like this.

It's like, even in death this bitch must be a royal pain in my ass.

I stopped sitting back on my heals. I needed to think. The wet mess below only had gotten worse. I needed action. I couldn't ignore the sweat clinging to me any longer.

It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

All I wanted to do was release some humans. Their sunken faces, hollow cheeks, and desperate eyes would haunt me forever. This is why I avoided the Fae. It was too much for me. Too much hopelessness. They needed the humans, and we needed the fae. They kept our world together. Kept it whole and habitable.

Horrible, but unfortunately necessary.

When a man came to me desperate to save his daughter. I refused, but something shook loose in me and I agreed. Stupidly. I had carefully planned this for months and in a few seconds my cover was blown.

Wide. Open.

Now the queen was blown wide open from a scim I stabbed off a guard. I didn't even want to look at her. The sight of her lifeless body irritated me.

Months of planning. And now for what.

It's not like the kingdom can just ignore this. They will know if their queen is missing. Most likely suspect me. The newcomer who earned all the suspicious glares. Rightfully so. In life whenever suspicion itches at you, believe in it. Don't just write it off. Your gut is probably right.

All I wanted was to find the human name Genevieve McCreery and bring her back safe. I almost never do this sort of thing, but the money and the sob story accompanying it, pulled me in.

I hadn't had a job in a while thanks to a certain irritating vampire screwing with my mind. I'd been in this state of depression. I needed to clear my head. I just wish I hadn't chosen this job to do it.

I followed rotations, gotten to know the royal family, and followed the human I was after. I knew her schedule and decided when to strike. I followed her into the Queen's chamber along with a few other servants. I had felt someone following me. Word had gotten out and I had humans begging me for help. I let them pass through the portal before my magic gave out. The sad desperate looks of the ones who didn't go through ate at me.

I couldn't think about it. I swallowed the guilt. Magic was stronger with practice. I rarely practice my portaling abilities. I had no need or want to do so.

The Queen caught me. She had been following me. My own gut telling me so, but I was so narrow minded on my task, I ignored it.

Never ignore it.

Now she was currently leaking red fluid all over the cell block floor. I would be caught literally red handed.

Crimson seeped between the stone floor staining the gleaming rocks. I look over at her. I did not have time to hide a body. I was going to have to ride this one out. In about an hour I should have enough juice left to bring me home.

I would just stand on pins and needles until then.

The world outside was dark and cold. I couldn't wait to get back to home. It should be summer still when I return back home. I prayed for warmth. I felt as if the chill of the Otherworld would be permanent.

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