Chapter 17

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Excess. Glitter. Extravagance

Gatsby would be proud.

Say what you want. They could throw a hell of a party.

"This is all just too much." Rory breaths next to me. Mermaids loved shiny. It was like a damn disco ball full of glitter exploded on the sun.

"If we weren't in mortal or rather immortal danger right now I would totally party."

"Well we are and no we wouldn't be."

"Why go to all this trouble I don't understand." She shakes her head. "All this for a queen they will hate."

"These people have no choice. They serve the court. Amerie isn't like them anyhow. She would be the beginning of something incredible."

Something dangerous.

But there wasn't a Persephone's chance in hell of letting her stay here.

Iron proof Fae would be the beginning of the end.

"Do you think this will start another war? Sky taking Amerie back with him?"

"I don't think Leri or Sela really give a damn and honestly I wouldn't put it past her to kill Amerie herself."

"You think she would?"

"I don't know. The thing is she would create a whole new race of Fae. Leri and Sela seem like they prefer it old school."

"The other thing about Amerie is that if humans find out. She would have a target on her head. She wouldn't be able to survive without protection."

"Are you going to tell Sky?"

"Of course. Just after all of this is over. Let's survive this first kay."

She nods. Wiggling her hips. Then grows a sly smile. "Are you ready for this?"

I laugh "Ready as I'll ever be."

We've been waiting in line for hours. A wall surrounded the entire court save for an archway made of solid ice. The intricate filigree decorated the entrance.

Jack Frost was an artist.

We were almost to the front now; we could see glimpses inside from out here. Stern guards stood at the gates nodding people in.

"Smile bright."

It was our turn and Rory splashed on her best smile. I tried my best. The guards nodded us in.

We walk around the castle grounds. Rory checks her hair placing it over her ears. The woods was too dark, no one would have seen her odd hair color out there when they were attacked.

I survey the party behind my masquerade mask. There were more feathers on it than an actual bird.

"Are you sure this will work?" She smooths out her gown. "I feel incredible."

I looked down at my own ice blue monstrosity. I could barely move which made me crabby. "I don't think we will stick out." I point towards the crowds. "This is a celebration and the Fae are so arrogant they won't think anything bad will happen to them. Not here anyways."

During these parties all creatures were allowed to attend. I hoped my light skin and Rory's darker skin wouldn't cause too much attention. Nymph's had skin of all different shades. We could be anything.

She takes a steadying breath. "So what is the plan?" I look up towards the clouds trying to contain my laughter. "Lucy what is going to happen?"

"Well," I touch her arms lightly with my hands. "Sweetie you are going to distract the king."

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