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Jimin was really curious why he had to go upstairs. He sat down on the bed in the room he was staying.

He was scared.

He didn't have a home to stay, he didn't have his family anymore, so what's the point in living.

Tears started welling up in his eyes once again. He laid down on soft bed, hugging the pillows and crying into them. Fresh smell of the pillows slowly filling up his nostrils.

He hugged his body close as he tried to calm down.

Suddenly he heard footsteps and door opening.

"Jimin?" He heard Yoongi asking, as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

Yoongi rested his hand on Jimins thigh, trying to make younger calm down. Jimin quickly wiped away his tears and got into sitting position.

Jimin thought he was probably a bother for Yoongi so he kept in mind that he will leave today.

"I-I'll leave today s-sir, I'm sorry for bothering you."

"N-No! T-That's not it... I just wanted to tell you that... Uhm.. You can stay as long as you need, I know that this might be weird for both of us, but Tae told me some things a-and... I thought some things through, so if you want you can stay."

Jimin just stared dumbfounded at the man.

Was he really serious?

Did he realy mean it?

At the moment, Jimin just stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

"I know you don't want to be in an orphanage, okay? Because that sucks ass, I know, so I'm letting you stay here, till you don't get a job and can live on your own, okay?"

He couldn't believe what was he hearing. Jimin choked on a sob and hugged his legs to his chest. That saddened the elder so he moved closer to the crying boy and drew invisible circles on his back.

He wanted to hug him but they just met, and firstly Jimin first stole from him, but he put that thought aside. He didn't want to make youngers life misreable.

"Y-You're really letting me stay, s-sir? I-I realy don't want to be a bother to you, I-I can leave right a-away re-."

"No. You can stay, really. But there are rules you have to follow in this house, okay?"

Jimin nodded his head.

"And I already told you, don't call me sir." Jimin smiled a little, his cheeks warming up.

"Okay, let me ask you few more questions, okay?" Jimin nodded his small head once again, while Yoongi scooted closer to the boy, their legs touching.

"Okay, Jimin are you going to school by any chance?"

"U-Uhm I stopped going to school when I was 15, because my mother couldn't pay for it."

"What about your friend?" Then Jimin realised, Jungkook might be worried to death about him.

"H-He didn't have a chance to go to school, b-but I would tell him about the stuff I learned at school." Yoongi just thought that it wasn't fair for sweet boys' like that to have that miserable life.

"You know Taehyung realy likes your friend, n-not in a pervy way o-or something, but like, his shy personality and stuff. He's realy admiring to him." That made Jimin smile. Jungkook would probably be dying out of happines if he heard that.

Gucci Boy liked him back.

"Why are you smiling?" Yoongi touched Jimins' nose, which made younger giggle.

"W-Well, Kookie is always telling me how much he likes' that 'Gucci Boy'. He's also admiring to Taehyung a lot. He keeps talking about him non-stop."

"Oh really? Well that's interesting." Jimin mumbled a quiet 'yeah' and looked away.

Silence filled the room. It was kind of uncomfortable.

"Jimin, about the rules" Jimin looked to Yoongis' side, showing older that he is listening.

"It's nothing too complicated, okay? So first... NO STEALING. And I'm serious about that, I know you meant well for your mother but there's many more ways' to get food and there are many people who are willing to help." Jimin looked down in embarrassment.

"I-It's okay now, we'll talk this through. Anyways, secondly, always clean the mess after yourself, I don't like living in ruckuss. After the shower, there's a basket for dirty clothes so put the clothes in and I'll wash it later. And don't open the door to strangers, okay?"

Jimin nodded his head, listening and remembering. Yoongi ruffled youngers hair, while Jimin rested his head on Yoongis' shoulder.

It was kind of weird but he liked it, it was realy soothing and comfortable.

"And please promise me to eat more because you're realy skinny."

"B-But I don't wa-." Yoongi cut him off, cupping smaller's face into his big veiny hands.

"You can eat anything you want in this house, it's not a problem for me."

Jimin was at loss of words.

Why was he being so nice to him all of a sudden, not that he complained.

"Why are you doing this? I am nothing and no one to you. I stole from you, I am a failure, okay? Everyone always stepped on me and then sudde-." Yoongi hesitantly but quickly hugged the shaking boy.

He rubbed circles onto his back. Yoongi knows that Jimin's life isn't perfect. His life completly fell apart. Yoongi doesen't know how did Taehyung made him to keep the poor boy, but here he is.

"You're not a failure, and yes it's true, I'm nothing and no one to you. But I will try my best to bring the happy Jimin you once were, back. Okay? You're not a burden, well at least for now. But jus understand that this is my choice keeping you. You're not a toy Jimin, okay?"

Jimin hugged Yoongi's torso, pouring all of his emotions out.

"I will try my best Yoongi..." He said with a whisper.

After younger calmed down, Yoongi decided to break the silence.

"We can go shopping later on and we can visit Jungkook, Taehyung's been dying to see the boy once again."

Jimin nodded in agreement. Sleepines overtook his small body, so he closed his watery eyes and fell asleep, once again on a soft and warm bed.

A small smile creeped onto Yoongis face while watching the boy.



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i hope this wasnt boring:))))))

ahhh im rly happy i started a new fanfic



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