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Continuing from last chapter...

"Do you want me to help you?" Yoongi asked while Jimin just stayed quiet. Yes, he wanted elders' help but he was afraid that he might be disgusted, and plus, he didn't want to seem needy.

"Okay then, uhm, I'm going to wait outside th-." Jimin then cut him off.

"N-No... Pl-Please don't leave me." Yoongi quickly walked to teary Jimin and hugged him.

"Shhh, it's okay now. I'll be going to police tomorrow, okay? You're fine, trust me..." Jimin nodded his head, which was pressed onto Yoongi's shoulder.

Yoongi then filled the bathtub with the warm water and walked back to Jimin, who was sitting on the sink, hugging his body.

"You want bath bomb?" Yoongi asked as he caressed younger's cheeks. 

"What's a-a ba-bath bomb?" Older chuckled at Jimin's cuteness.

"It makes water colorful." Younger's eyes lit up and he nodded imidiately.

At that point, Yoongi wanted to do everything just so Jimin can forget about Luhan. He started questioning himself what did the poor boy do to have this shitty life. Life was fucking rollercoaster for younger this few days'.

Jimin just sat quietly by the bathroom sink, and watched Yoongi walking to him with a pink box. He opened it and put it in front of Jimin.

"Pick one." Younger took a look inside the box. The pink one caught his eye, so he pointed at it.

"Pink one? Okay, come here." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand and led him to the bathtub.

"Okay, now, take your underwear off, I promise I won't look, really." Jimin was hesitant at first but nodded anyways. He motioned Yoongi to turn around with his fingers, and Yoongi chuckled turning around.

Jimin stepped inside the bathtub, pulling his knees to his chest. Yoongi turned around and sat down by the bathtub.

"Do you want to put it in?" The boy nodded and took a bath bomb from Yoongi's hand. He put it in the water and stared with wide eyes how the colors changed.

While Yoongi was just staring at Jimin and his cute expressions with a smile. To Yoongi, Jimin was just a big fluff ball. 

"Woaaahh..." Jimin's gasps filled the bathroom.

"You like it?" Younger nodded his head fastly.

After the bath bomb melted, Jimin pouted and Yoongi started washing Jimin with a shampoo. He washed his hair and cleaned his face and his body. 

He went to grab a big towel for Jimin.

"C'mon, stand up." Jimin stood up and Yoongi imidiately wrapped a towel around Jimin's small frame, hugging him right after, caressing his soft wet hair. 

Picking him up by his thighs, he sat him down once again by the bathroom sink, still hugging him. Jimin relaxed in his arms, closing his eyes softly.

"Jimin I know you're tired, but first change into your clothes, okay?" With that Jimin nodded, and Yoongi helpes him put his underwear and shirt on. 

Jimin almost forgot about awful incident today, thanks' to Yoongi. He couldn't even imagine what would Luhan do to him if Yoongi wasn't back earlier. He would probably rape him and leave him as always.

"U-Uhm Yoongi?"


"C-Can you carry me to the bed?" Chuckle escpaed Yoongis' lips as he nodded and picked Jimin up.

"God, you're so light, did you eat at all?" He laid Jimin down on the bed and got beside him.

"N-No, he told me that I'm fat a-and that I should e-eat less..." He yawned after saying that.

Yoongi cooed at the sight and pushed away the hair that was on Jimins' forhead.

"Well, you're going to rest now and then I can order some pizza for you, 'kay?" Yoongi kissed his forhead as Jimin nodded. Yoongi tucked younger in the bed and exited the room.

He walked downstairs into the living room, sitting down on the couch. He dialed Taehyungs' number wand waited for him to pick up.


"Hey Taehyung."

"Hey Yoongi! Why are you calling?"

"U-Uhmm something happened...."

"What happened?"

"U-Uhh, Jimin was almost raped..."

There was silence on the other line.


"I invited Luhan to watch after Jimin while I'm away, I didn't know he was a fucking pervert. God I'm so stupid. I called a day a ago or something, and Jimin was fucking screaming and crying and I told him he was overreacting, I'm so fucking stupid..."

"Hey, it's okay, but he didn't get raped which is a good thing. And you didn't know... It's not your fault. But the best thing now is that Jimin is okay and that he is safe."

"Yeah, that's true.... Hey what about Jungkook?"

"Ohh yea, uhm well.. Look I know this might sound fucking awful, but as you told me that it seems that they don't want Jungkook at all... I thought about giving them money or something in exchange for Kook. I don't want it to seem like Jungkook is a toy or something... But that is all I have for now... Or we can just sneak him out or something..."

"Okay... I'll be going now, call me if you think of something more, bye Tae."

"I will, bye hyungie!"


okay so this was just a filler chapter i guess

hope you enjoyedd!!

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