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okay so i want to apologise for not updating but school is finaly finished so yeeehh

and also we had a two day school trip today but i didnt woke up on time so i stayed home and my mom laughed at me bc of that lmao 

and also, just a little warning before u start reading this chapter


Next day was a disaster for Jimin, when he woke up Luhan wasn't there so he took the oportunity and ate an apple.

Suddenly there was a sound of keys jiggling and doors opening, which startled Jimin.

Luhan came into the kitchen all angry looking. Jimin didn't know what to do at that point so decided to be nice, even after everything that happened.

"A-Are you o-okay?" Jimin's little voice reached Luhan's ears. Luhan become even more angrier, he approached Jimin and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt harshly.

"Do I look like I'm fucking okay to you?!?" He screamed into his face, which made younger flinch a little.

"N-No..." Jimin answered.

"W-What happened?" Jimin knows he will probably regret asking this.

"You want to know what happened?!? My fucking boyfriend broke up with me!!" Younger didn't know how to answer to that, so he just went with the flow.

"I-Is there a-any way I-I c-can help?" At that Luhan stopped yelling and he smirked at Jimin. Evil chuckle escaped his lips.

"Actualy there is." And with that Jimin knows for sure that he fucked up.

"Go in your room Baby boy, and wait for me there." 

Well fuck.

Jimin run upstairs, grabbing his hair out of frustration. He sat down on the bed, waiting for whatever is going to happen.

Luhan entered the room suddenly with evil smile on his face.

"Now Baby boy, you're going to do everything as I say, okay?" What startled Jimin the most is that Luhan started taking his jeans off. 

"I fucking said something and I expect you to fucking answer!" Younger started sweating.


"Yes what?"

"Y-Yes... D-Daddy." Luhan chuckled and sat on the bed, leaning on the head-board.

"That's better..... Now, take your shirt and pants off and come closer." Younger's hands started shaking as he pulls his shirt over his head and tooks off his pants.

Luhan motioned him with a finger to come closer, more precisely, between his legs. So, Jimin started crawling where elder told him to.

His skinny and thin body was trembeling out of fear.

"Now, you're going to pleasure me. If you do a good job you might get a reward, okay?"

"W-What?" Youngers eyes opened at Luhans words.

"Do what I fucking said!" Jimin nodded his head and started taking Luhan's briefs off, his hands were shaking so much.

He pulled the briefs down, putting them aside. He didn't know what to do now. How exactly should he 'pleasure' Luhan? 

With teary eyes, trembeling lips and shaky hands, he grabbed elders member and started stroking it.

He heard Luhan gasping suddenly before saying.

Thief // m.yg + p.jmWhere stories live. Discover now