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Baekhyun did his best at cooking the ramen for Jimin, but the poor boy only had few bites of it. He was scared of everyone except for Yoongi, he was clinging onto the older for his dear life, his little hands grabbing onto Yoongis shirt.

They were both laying on the bed, Yoongi's hands protectively secured around Jimins' little body. Older was whispering sweet words into Jimins ears, slowly dragging his bony fingers across his scalp.

Yoongi wondered what happened to Jimin, what did they do to him that he was so scared of everything and everyone. He wanted to know who did it, and he promised himself he will beat the shit out of that person, but right now he didn't want to ask Jimin any questions about what happened.

He firstly wanted to make him feel comfortable again with everything, when he heals fully he will ask him. Jimin's lips were trembling and there were tears in his eyes, which held fear in them. Yoongi is just praying that Jimin isn't too scarred, because he still wants to celebrate Jimin's birthday.

Jimin didn't say a single word and it worried everyone, but they will give him as much as time as he needs. Yoongi will take things slow, he wanted for younger to feel as comfortable as possible with every single thing. 



"Baby Bear?"

"My beautiful Snowflake, say something please? Or just look at me..." Yoongi pleaded, but younger just kept staring at Yoongi's chest, wrapping his tiny arms around him.

Running his veiny hands through Jimin's hair, he felt younger relaxing under his touch, which made him smile. But Chanyeol then opened the door which made Jimin whimper and hide himself under the covers, close to his hyung.

"Am I interupting?" He asked softly and Yoongi shared a soft smile.

"N-No you aren't.... Minnie, he's a good person, he helped me to find you, there's nothing to be scared of." Yoongi almost whispered, but Jimin didn't move at all, his breathing was fast, and Yoongi felt him shaking, which scared him a lot.

"Minnie?" He quickly sat up, pulling the covers off of Jimin's head, pulling him up so he sat on Yoongi's lap. His eyes were wide open with fear as he started struggling and trying to free himself from Yoongi's grip.

"Jimin!" Since Yoongi was stronger he cupped Jimin's face, making younger froze and look at him. His face suddenly softened as he started crying. Chanyeol was standing by the door with worried expression on his face, he wanted to help somehow but he was scared he will frighten Jimin once again, so he just stayed there.

"It's okay, I'm here, you're okay Sunshine.... You're okay..." Sobs could be heard from younger, as he was pressed against Yoongi's chest, his head in the crook of his hyungs' soft neck, which was wet by now.

"Yoongi, I'll come later, okay? Take care of him." Chanyeol shared a smile as he exited the bedroom as quite as possible.

Yoongi was pressing soft kisses against Jimin's face, which worked since younger's hysterical crying calmed down, his breathing was back in normal, only his body would twitch from time to time, but Yoongi always calmed him down, he was rubbing younger's back to make him relax.

"You're safe Baby, okay? Don't worry your little head over anything right now okay, you're safe and you're okay, I'm here now..." 

And they spent the night like that, in each other's warm embrace, Jimin eventually fell asleep hugging Yoongi like a koala.

But something made Yoongi more than happy, is that Jimin was smiling while falling asleep in Yoongi's arms.

And Yoongi was more than happy to know that he was the reason behind that smile.


kind of short chapter but i hope you enjoyed:))

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