☆Finding Him☆

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   You examined the figure and couldn't believe it. 'I wish Bendy and all his friends are real'. Your wish echoed in your head. After 13 years...your wish came true. You turned the unconscious angel to its back and you gasped. Bendy looked as if he was in some sort of fight. He had scratches and bruises all over his angelic body. You gently picked him up bridal style and looked around the area. The place seemed quite abandoned, but still beautiful. Looking back down at Bendy, you noticed a bit of blood..or ink escaping from the corner of Bendy's mouth. You wipe it away and start to head back to your home. 


   You let out a sigh in relief when you finally reached your house. You inserted the key into its place and opened the door. You entered your quiet abode and closed and locked the door behind you. You took Bendy to your room and placed him on your bed. You took one more look at him before leaving your room to get medical supplies. After finally getting them, you made your way back to the unconscious angel. You sat next to your bed and opened the medical kit. You carefully started to treat his wounds and then you bandaged them. You smiled looking how you helped Bendy and closed the medical kit. Before leaving the room, you place the blanket over him. You give Bendy a soft kiss on his forehead and leave your room. 

   You close your room door, but leave it slightly opened. You head towards your kitchen and start to make some pb and j sandwiches (sorry if u don't like pb and j sandwiches). You then start to wonder how Bendy got into the condition he was in. 'Did he have a fight with Boris or Alice? That couldn't be it...they're friends!' You shook off the question of Bendy getting hurt and started to ask what type of food he can eat. 'He is a cartoon, maybe he can eat almost anything?'you just decided that you and Bendy were going to eat the sandwiches you made. If he doesn't like it, you can always get him something else.

   You continued with making a small lunch for you and Bendy and eventually you finished in an hour. It took you an hour because you kept getting distracted of little things and you had to kill a spider and you know how spiders mysteriously disappear. After that, you finished the sandwiches and watched some T.V. 


   You wake up from a nap and realize that you left the T.V on. It was just static on the screen though. You have those types of T.V's that 'turn off' on their own. You hear a bit of shuffling from your room and you sit up from your couch. You hear something fall and a yelp. You jump up and run in the direction of the yelp...

Swap! Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now