☆(Almost) Dying...But From Laughter☆

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I do not own the art above.

You were busy cooking some food while Andy was watching T.V. Your mind drifted off to before Andy was 'born' or created. How exactly did he come to be? He was just a cartoon, but now he was real. It couldn't have been your wish, right? You let out a sigh, which Andy heard. He turned to your direction and saw you placing the food on the plates. Andy stood up and walked over to you. You didn't notice since you were still in thought.

Andy saw that you didn't realize he was there, so he tugged on your shirt and called out your name. You snapped out of your thoughts and saw Andy holding on the rim of your (fav anime) shirt. You gave Andy a smile and crouched down to his level.

"What's wrong, Andy?" you asked as Andy pouted at you, his wings fluffing up in anger. His halo even had some sort of small thorns on them too.

"Don't play dumb with me, (Y/n)!" Andy randomly shouted. Your eyes widened in shock at Andy's small outburst. "You aren't fine! Something is disturbing you!" he told you and you gave him a comforting smile.

"Andy, that's so sweet that you were worried for me," you began as Andy's cheeks flushed lightly. "But I'm fine. I was just thinking of some things," you finished as Andy's mouth formed into a small smile.

"Oh okay! And is the food done?" Andy asked, changing the subject. You giggled and nodded your head, grabbing the plates with food.

"Let's dig in shall we?" you state as you wink at Andy and put the plates down on the table. Andy's eyes had stars in them as his mouth gaped open.

"YES PLEASE!" he shouts as he scrambles into his seat and takes a plate. You smile at his actions and take the other plate. Andy was already eating while you just started.

"Andy, you should slow down. You might choke," you pointed out as you continued to eat. He looked up at you with his cheeks full. 'Aw, he looks like a chipmunk..' you thought.

"But..its so good!" Andy said passed all of the food in his mouth. You noticed that a couple crumbs escaped from his mouth when he spoke. You laughed a little and pointed to the crumbs on the table.

"Did they teach you manners at the studio too, Andy? Or were you too pure for that?" you joked. Andy swallowed all the food in a big gulp and did a dramatic gasp.

"EXCUSE me? I am one of the purest angels of the studio! I know about manners!" Andy says as he stands proudly on the table. You then burst out laughing, making Andy stomp his foot and pout, while a dark blush formed on his cheeks from embarrassment. "It's not funny! It's a FACT!" Andy exclaimed. His last statement made you laugh even more.

You ended up falling to the ground, trying to catch your breath. Andy noticed this and rushed to your side. "O-Oh my stars, (Y/n) breathe!" Andy pleaded as he sat you up and patted your back. You eventually managed to breathe and started to have a small coughing fit. "I'm so sorry, (Y/n). I didn't realize you found my facts humorous," Andy stated. You giggled a little and pulled yourself up.

"Well, your reactions make me laugh too," you reply as you poke his cheek. Andy pouts before lightly swatting your hand away.

"Ugh, you act like Boris sometimes..."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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