☆Beware of the Tickle Monster!☆

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 (Also i know the picture isn't Swap!Bendy, but i couldn't find any other tickling pictures of him. Now onto the story my lil' owling beans!)

  You and Bendy, or Andy, have been bonding for the last couple days. Some days you noticed that Andy wasn't acting how he always would. He wouldn't be his cheerful go lucky self. Right now, you were teaching Andy how to cook pizza. There was silence until you cut it off.

   "Andy," you say to get his attention. He flinches a bit before looking at you.

   "Y-Yes?" he stutters out. You place a hand on his shoulder and he lightly blushes.

   "Are you okay? You haven't been acting like yourself for some days..." you question. Andy's eyes slightly widen. Has he been that obvious?

   "U-Um well...I erm...uh," Andy couldn't get his words out and this made you chuckle. Andy heard your chuckle and covered his face, he was blushing intensely from embarrassment.

   "Awww c'mon little Andy! I didn't even do anything yet! Well, heh, unless you want me to~" you lowly say the last part, but Andy hears you anyway. His face becomes completely gray.

   "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SUCH A SINNER!!" (said no Bendy ever XD) Andy screamed at you, making you almost burst out laughing. You then hug Andy, causing him to screech internally.

   "The power of sin compels you~!" you tell him. Andy pushes you away and starts to book it towards a room. You smirk and chase after him. You keep following after him as he entered your room and locked the door. "C'mon, Andykins, you can't run or escape from sin forever~" you say as you knock a bit on the door.

   "YES I CAN YOU DIRTY SINNER!" you hear Andy respond and you contain your laughter. You and Andy had your own little game of 'run away from the sinner/sin'. You were usually the one to be the sin/sinner, but you didn't mind. You continued to knock on the door and convince Bendy to open the door. He refused and you got an idea. You walked away from the door and headed to the kitchen. You found a small ladder and grinned to yourself. You could use the ladder to get into the room from outside. There was a window, so it was obvious what you were going to do.

   You left the kitchen and left the front door too. You made it to the side of your house where Andy locked himself in. You smirked and placed the ladder down. You tried your best to stay quiet as you climbed the ladder and made it to the window. You silently unlocked it and opened the window. Andy didn't notice because he was busy giggling to himself because he 'won' the game. "(Y/n) will never get me now," you hear Andy say as you hop in the room. You start to crawl towards him just as wind blew outside the window. Andy shivered a bit and he was ready to turn around. You just so happened to be behind him, so when he turned fully around, you took your chance.

   "RRAAAWWWWRRR!! I'M THE SINNING TICKLE MONSTER!" you yelled as you pounced on Andy and started to tickle him. He immediately started to burst out laughing. You smiled and continued to tickle him.

   "STAHAHAHAHP!! (Y/N)! HAHAHAHA!" Andy pleaded as you continued to tickle him. He could hardly say anything because of how much he was laughing. You chuckled and didn't stop. After a couple minutes, Andy finally gave in. "OKAY OKAY I GIVE UP HAHAHAHA Y-YOU CAN STOP NOW!" Andy screamed out and you happily stopped the tickle torture. He was trying to catch his breath as he panted. "Why tickle me?" he asked as his panting continued. You sat down on the floor and simply shrugged to Andy's question.

   "Because its harmless," you say simply. Andy then did a dramatic gasp after your response. You tilt your head in confusion.

   "I couldn't breathe, (Y/n). I still could have died," Andy explained and you giggled to yourself. Andy looked taken aback as he placed his hand where his heart was. "You wouldn't care if I died?"

   "Well, Andy, you're a cartoon, I don't think tickles will kill you (which it didn't) and I won't ever try to kill you and I would care deeply if you did die," you said and Andy's lips curved to a wide smile.

   "You would?!" he asked as you nodded. He suddenly then glomped you. "Thanks, (Nickname)!" you smiled and hugged him back.


   "No problem, buddy."

Swap! Bendy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now