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   I was checking all the channels of my T.V to see if anything was on. I huffed in annoyance and hit the T.V. Hitting it somehow got it onto a different show I never seen before. It was about a wolf named Boris. He had friends named Alice Demon and Bendy the Music Angel.
   After watching a couple episodes, I fell head over heels for the show. I even showed my friends and they loved it too! Bendy was my favorite character. None of my friends actually had Bendy as a favorite. It was either Boris or Alice.

~Birthday Time-Skip~

   It was my 7th birthday and all my friends and family members came to my party. I got many gifts, but one of them stood out the most. My parents got me a Bendy plushie! I hugged and thanked them. After the gifts, it was cake time! My cake had Bendy sitting on a number seven. The rest of my cake was decorated with (fav. color).

   Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me and I made my birthday wish.

   'I wish Bendy and all his friends are real.'

   I blew out the 7 candle. Mommy cut the cake slices and handed it to me. She then gave everyone their slices too. We ate, talked, and played until my party was over. I said bye to all my friends and other family members and my parents cleaned up. I closed the front door and decided to help too. After that, Mommy and Daddy gave me a bath and took me to bed. They both tucked me in and gave me my Bendy plushie. I fell asleep having dreams of Bendy being real.

~Time-skip to 11 years later~

   You were 18 years old now and some of your friends as well. Unfortunately, Boris's show was canceled a couple years prior. Your friends left the show, but you continued to watch the old episodes. You walk with your friends on your way to school and bring up memories of watching the show with them. They groan in annoyance.

   "(Y/n), when are you going to grow up?" one of your friends states, making you stop walking.

   "What are you talking about?" you question. Your friends roll their eyes and turn to you.

   "That stupid Boris and Bendy show you keep talking about! That show is history! It's time you've moved on!" another of your friends yell. A crowd was slowly forming around you and your 'friends'.

   "You can't call it stupid because you loved the show too!" you come back. Their eyes widen.

   "W-Well at least we aren't carrying a little Bendy dollie around!" you gasp at the statement. Some snickers are heard in the crowd and you feel tears threatening to fall. 

   "I may have a Bendy plushie with me, but you guys either have an Alice or Boris plush too!" 

   You and your 'friends' continue with the argument until they snatch your bookbag away from you. "Hey! Give it back!" one of your 'friends' hold you back as the others go through your bag and pull out your Bendy plushie. More giggle, chuckles, and snickers are heard and your face turns a bit red from anger and embarrassment. 

   "Move on, (Y/n)! You don't this anymore!" your 'friend' tells you and starts to rip your Bendy plushie.

   "NO!" you scream and rush towards them and tackling them to the ground. Your Bendy plushie falls to the ground with a toy squeak going off. You quickly get up and pick up your bookbag and Bendy plushie. You ran away from the crowd. From your 'friends'. From school. Until you made it all the way home...

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