Book 2 Genesis of the Primordial Gods

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"The First Saga to the Lámœrian Peoples called this era of time, The Age of the Elder Gods, and, The Age of the Stars. It was an era of vast creation, when great civilizations flourished, where they expanded to the deep depths of the abyss and there they brought forth new Stars and Life into being, with new purpose to their existence. It was an era of plenty and majesty, a Golden Age that turned Darkest after a Cataclysmic War." ~ Grand Wizard Xanglao Gao Xijang of House Zelxhia, The Times Before the Mythos Age Volume Two.

[1:1] In the Beginning of All Time, [1:2] a great black void consumed the heavens, [1:3] before sun and stars and moons were born.

[1:4] This void of time was an endless expanse of formless darkness of the primordial void, [1:5] which time had neither meaning nor measure within this bleak realm.

[1:6] And there Ahôrannos lay sleeping deep within this blacken bosom of the primordial void.

[1:7] And the All-Father dreamt, [1:8] and he whispered into the consuming darkness, [1:9] speaking the first words from his fiery breath, [1:10] and these words became the first law of the divine order to come, [1:11] that these laws gave structure to all reality.

[1:12] Ahôrannos was the first being in all existence, [1:13] yet the Cosmic Egg began to grow restless and stirred with new life, [1:14] and over flowing with many great dreams for all life to share and to come, [1:15] cracking with light so brilliant and bright and blinding, [1:16] that the Second Born was Phôstrŏs, Theo Ólom Äótolin, The All-Mother.

[1:17] Phôstrŏs was born and fully formed and singular; [1:18] a perfect unity of male and female aspects was within her being.

[1:19] Her hair white and silvery as the egg she dwelled within, [1:20] her eyes sparkling of light and life, [1:21] and gleamed with great wonder and purpose, [1:22] and her wings spread to far and many distant horizons, [1:23] and shimmered in a radiant colourful light of many stars.

[1:24] Yet Phôstrŏs was sad for Ahôrannos, [1:25] her first son still lay in the black void, [1:26] wounded and bleeding from his long battles with the Dreaded Old Ones, [1:27] his fire faded and his soul scarred, [1:28] and his mind tormented by nightmares, [1:29] and each scream that left his quivering lips, [1:30] tore the fabric of the trembling blanket of the infinite blackness that surrounded him.

[1:31] Phôstrŏs tended to her son for many ages, [1:32] yet Ahôrannos screamed and wept from the many dreaded dreams that tormented him.

[1:33] Phôstrŏs created the first songs, [1:34] hoping her hymns would ease the fear and pains of her son.

[1:35] The vibrations of Phôstrŏs' divine hymns, [1:36] had combined with the fits of screaming and weeping of Ahôrannos from his nightmares, [1:37] vibrating in chaotic rhythm with the All-Father's spilled blood, [1:38] and so a new miracle happened.

[1:39] The first born to Ahôrannos and Phôstrŏs came into being, [1:40] they were the first primordial children in the beginning, [1:41] and they were scared weak beings, [1:42] and wept in grief for the sleeping All-Father.

[1:43] Phôstrŏs came to them, [1:44] and they were awed by Phôstrŏs' radiating brilliant light, [1:45] their chaotic forms changed again, [1:46] and their being reflected the All-Mother's beauty.

[1:47] A great miracle happened as Phôstrŏs showed her divine mercy on these primordial children, [1:48] she gave onto them form and purpose, [1:49] she gathered them in colourful eggs of her making, [1:50] that she made from the shards of her Cosmic Egg, [1:51] and then she held the eggs close to her beating bosom filled with love and compassion for them, [1:52] and they were the first blessed children and they were good.

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