15 The Creation of Hyzilóm

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[1:1] Since the primordial aeons of Erthos' creation, [1:2] the realms of the Sottǒ Vosíleio, The Netherworlds, [1:3] were an unmade and unclaimed realm separate from the World of Erthos, [1:4] for it was a vast expanse of endless disorderly creations and chaos, [1:5] with many worlds and realms intertwined in the turbulent black tides therein.

[1:6] Here chaotic immortal beings reigned with ill intent, [1:7] these chaotic immortals fought with the Demonic Princes who made their kingdoms and empires in these endless realms.

[1:8] The chaotic immortals made themselves to be Gods, demiurges, [1:9] bent to carnal desires of all senses and the flesh, [1:10] yet they could not go beyond petty mortal yearnings and desires, [1:11] that some of which were childish and selfish in their nature and being and were most destructive to their creations.

[1:12] Holy Omer stood at the fringe of the Great Wall of Fire, [1:13] and there he viewed the Âombinŏs Lands that were cut off to the realms of Eternal Erthos, [1:14] here in these forsaken lands lost souls had wandered, [1:15] searching for new life or another chance to relive again, [1:16] that a few became angrily hungry for life and desires, [1:17] and some submerged themselves into the void black pools, not wanting to wake and live again.

[1:18] Holy Omer stood upon the battle spire of Oolyriauim, [1:19] he lowered his mighty his holy right hand, [1:20] and the barrier between worlds and realms was opened, [1:21] and marching forth was a grand holy army of the Ooramerians, Gorgons, Djinns and Fauns, [1:22] and so began the First Crusades of the Netherworlds.

[1:23] Many Holy Immortals, Lámœrians and Ængolosians came to the First Crusade, [1:24] that Prince Nörgórath and Princess Läsyilvó accompanied the main Holy Army (Lacuna)

(Verses 1:25 thru 1:71 Lacuna)

[1:72] Nörgórath Death Bringer had conquered the Lesser World of Velŏrtos, [1:73] bringing plague, disease and death, and their armies eliminated in the fiery breath of Omer (Lacuna)

(Verses 1:74 thru 1:77 Lacuna)

[1:78] All that remained was blacken ash and a glassed world, [1:79] and the souls, both young and old, [1:80] taken into the refiners fire of the Sacred Fróluo to be purged and purified before rebirth (Lacuna)

(Verses 1:81 thru 1:106 Lacuna)

[1:107] Thus with the fall of Velŏrtos Omer now claimed thirty-nine realms and worlds within the Netherworlds, [1:108] and with the Sottǒ Öyὁmarő, the Holy Immortals, Lámœrians, Ængolosians, Gorgons, Djinns and Fauns, [1:109] they began to build in this new realm that spanned from the black Forests of Aunktŏwyll, [1:110] to the fringes of the ash sands of Nŏnungalo.

[1:111] Omer than instructed the Lámœrians to expand the Great Wall of Fire, [1:112] and it was built within the Fringes of Nŏnungalo.

[1:113] Omer took his granddaughter Hælia and a few Lámœrians, [1:114] led by Graoothos and Amatajindō that they began to construct the Mŏvrastýrgos, the Black Tower, [1:115] that was constructed with a mix of obsidian, hematite, moonstones, black gypsum and silver, [1:116] and was placed in the heart of Hyzilóm.

[1:117] Upon the completion of Mŏvrastýrgos, [1:118] Omer through a celebration for the builders and had them gathered to eat and drink a feast.

[1:119] Twas than after the feast when all were full and drunk, [1:120] Omer took Graoothos and Amatajindō, Läsyilvó, Hælia and Nörgórath to the sands of Mŏvrastýrgos, [1:121] there at the Foot of the Black Tower, Omer had drawn a ring in the sand.

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