Book 18 The Wars of the Golden Emperor

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[1:1] With the death and defeat of Preaodos, [1:2] many of his demonic lords lingered in the lands they had conquered, [1:3] and took with them wives from the Ooramerians and other conquered peoples, [1:4] and would have many children with them, [1:5] claiming lands in ruined kingdoms and other realms, [1:6] and they would fight amongst themselves for supremacy over what Preaodos had conquered.

[1:7] Yet Eviovos knew they had no power or standing to stay within Erthos, [1:8] and so she called all those who followed her and they returned to her realm, [1:9] leaving Erthos to the coming chaos and strife she had helped in ushering and sowed, [1:10] taking with her Lovothos as a hostage to her realm of the Ond Void.

[1:11] As all of Eorodos was coming to terms with the destruction and death brought upon them, [1:12] and the Demonic Lords in the east establishing their realms.

[1:13] To the west in Zhóudia, Emperor Zhenxúll had observed the catastrophe that had taken place, [1:14] and seeing the Ooramerian Empire in such disarray, [1:15] Emperor Zhenxúll commanded his best and loyal generals to go forth into Eorodos, [1:16] and to establish peace and expand his Empire, [1:17] for since the destruction of Omer's Tower of Power, Holy Âldoróm, [1:18] many rain storms had washed over the rice paddy fields of his realm, and many of his subjects went hungry.

[1:19] And so with the blessings of Graoothos, [1:20] Emperor Zhenxúll ordered his personal Admiral Laozuhan to invade Eorodos and the North of Hófariŏs, [1:21] sending expeditions to secure the lands and the cities of the Ooramerians.

[1:22] The first great armada of the Zhóudian Dark Elves sailed eastwardly, [1:23] braving the storms and waterspouts of the O'bendell Sea.

[1:24] Admiral Laozuhan split his forces up, half of his fleet landed in the Iboriaño and southern Gólliom, [1:25] while the other landed in the Olgeriom Coastline.

[1:26] The south fleet of Admiral Laozuhan were tasked to capture Gramörtha and Eldóvara, [1:27] from the Demons of Preaodos and Eviovos, [1:28] and the Dark Elves gained it through blood, steel and fire, [1:29] that news of the successful recapturing of these two cities pleased Graoothos and Emperor Zhenxúll, [1:30] who both rewarded General Caozhul greatly with riches and titles and made him a living Saint of the Dark Elves.

[1:31] Another smaller expedition force lead by the Dark Elf General Liang'zul, [1:32] came to the High Elf home of the Aurelian Isles, [1:33] and there she found the King of Misery and Slothfulness, Slivothos, [1:34] who had built graves for his two eldest sons with his bare hands, [1:35] and there he wept into the earth, covering his face and hair in mud.

[1:36] Liang'zul felt she could take King Slivothos back to Emperor Zhenxúll, [1:37] for he is the immortal God King of the High Elves and last son of the God Obopros, [1:38] and his blood was divine and held the key to divine immortality.

[1:39] Yet when she attempted to take back Slivothos, [1:40] he would not be persuaded to leave from his spot of mourning, [1:41] not by drink or food, or promise of riches, or the feminine beauty of Liang'zul camp maidens.

[1:42] With all attempts and offers in persuading Slivothos failing, [1:43] that the God King of the High Elves only wept and whimpered in sadness, [1:44] Liang'zul ordered her best bodyguards to take King Slivothos by force into her camp and to be brought to Zhóudia.

[1:45] Liang'zul personal bodyguards attempted to apprehend King Slivothos, [1:46] yet he became roused to anger and rage, [1:47] and slaughtered them all with a rock from his son's graves, [1:48] bashing in their heads until they were all dead.

[1:49] When Liang'zul bodyguards were all dead, [1:50] King Slivothos went back to mourning and wept immensely again, [1:51] that his wailing was most loudest and so Liang'zul left the slothful King Slivothos to his misery, [1:52] as the Dark Elves took all of his Kingdom under their banners.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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