Book 10 Introduction (NOT A CHAPTER)

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"The third divine and godly beings to come to Erthos were the Ânkylons, Ængolos, their name came from the Oorameric for Angel, that the Lámœrians called them Oānjshǐ. It was in the Twilight Eras of the First Mythos Age the Ængolos first appeared. They were a super race of godly beings with powers near equal to the Gods. They claimed to have come from a world consumed in a dreaded coldness from a war they've lost. The Ængolos brought greatness to the world, but also great destruction for this era was also known as the Wǎnj Ônji, the Ôuranó, The Wraths in the Heaven.

The Wraths in the Heavens was a great war that lasted for ages, during the conflict the Ooramerians lost a great deal of their cities in the skies and in the seas, along with many of their silver towers. Omar helped in the fighting against the Ængolosian, yet was fallen and injured. The Ængolosian destroyed Shóngrolá which fell upon Atrolōsium and destroyed the second home of the Elves, thus ending their Empire on Erthos with the Death of the God Empress Lílandŏr. This single event caused the Great Deluge, ending many civilizations in this era. Omar lived and brought his wife and still remaining Ooramerian Peoples to their second home in Eorodos, modern day Eróqosia. Lovothos would find Âldoróm still intact at the bottom of the Alonos Ocean and bring it to the Ooramerians new home, where Omer relit the Lantern of Lórnul.

Through the collective findings of the work of many archaeologists and scholars alike recovered pieces of this black mark in the distant past of Erthos. It is told by the few fragments of the High Elven Chronicles describes how the Ôuranó started was by the Ooramerian King known as Yohino, King of Osthos, second son of the God King Löxémero, who became aware his daughter Iosos never returned from her pilgrimage to the North Tower, for she had married in secret the Ængolosian Warrior King Dhönor the Mighty and had children. King Yohino came into the halls of Domotris Odopo with a small band of his finest warriors to find his daughter Iosos. Yohino confronted the Ængolos high priest named Locio, first son of Dhönor and Iosos, who was tending to the Throne of Odipiero. Locio mocked the King's Wrath and so was struck down and thus begun these series of unfortunate events." ~The Hironian Imperial Archaeologist Guild Commentaries of the First Mythos Age Volume 4.

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