The Sisters find out

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After Lincoln's outburst, the sisters decided to go to the source of the problem so they all headed into the attic to look around then Lori caught something that caught her eye "uh girls come look at this I found this" Lori said. "What is it?" Luan said walking over to them. "Oh my god I think I know what that is how'd he know about this?". The 5 older sisters stood there thinking about what his reaction was. "Hey"Lana Spoke up "Are you gonna tell us what's going on?". It was silent for a few minutes until Luna spoke "well Lincoln isn't part of this family he's from another family that didn't want a child so we adopted him at the age of 9 months so mom and dad told all of us to keep it a secret and we were waiting to tell him when he's old but...." She started to cry "he already knows and he's gonna be leaving this family and most importantly". Long Silence "Us". Leni stroked her hair "Its gonna be ok."
"No- N-N-No it's not I really wished he didn't discover all this and no of this wouldn't have happened I'm going downstairs" she cried. As Luna left the attic she ran to her room to play on her guitar she stared at Lincoln's door she wanted to tell him what happened but she didn't want to make things worse. She went into her room and locked the door and she didn't come out all day. That Night Lincoln walked out of his room to watch some Tv. He was hoping his sisters weren't out in the hall. But little did he know that the door was opened just a tad with Lori watching him go into the living room. "I literally can't take it anymore we have to tell him the truth about the new family!". Lynn started to cry "I don't want Lincoln to go!". Luan said "where am I gonna find an assistant for my business?". "Hold on we'll tell him tomorrow when the time is right." Lori said. "But we have school tomorrow that's gonna hard" Lola said. "Then how about this we'll tell him right after school". "That's a good idea". Lynn said "Hopefully he doesn't get mad at us".  Lori chuckled a bit and look out into Smokey black night through the window.

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