Lincoln Escapes

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Lincoln was in his room thinking about what to do should he leave the house for good? or should he run away and find the family that originally wanted him? He kept thinking until he got a headache. "Ow" he whispered to himself. He wanted to get a drink of water but he didn't want to be around his sisters. He stared at the clock 10:30pm. He knew he had school tomorrow but he didn't want to go anyway. He looked over at his Duffle bag and knew he decided what to do. Lincoln grabbed everything he can and carefully slowly but surly make it downstairs and out the door of his house "Time to start a new life". He said as he headed down the street.

                     *The Next Morning*

Lynn knocked on her brothers door to wake him up for school. "Lincoln are you still sleeping? Cmon we have to get going". Silence.
"Listen I know your still upset about yesterday but you know we're here to help you and wanting to know what's going on that's our job as sisters so get your butt out the door and into the car". Still silent. "Lincoln I'm not kidding get out here right now!" She said kicking the door open with her foot. She stood like she saw a ghost "Lynn where are you?" Lori said "c'mon the car is run- "She cut herself mid sentence when she saw that her brother isn't there. "Oh my god he literally left us.". "I better call the police and get the others". "What about Mom and dad?" Lynn said. "NO if they find out that the secret is out and Lincoln knew about it we will be grounded for LIFE!" Lori said Shaking and Crying. She then ran to go get her sisters and explain to them. Lynn saw that on the dresser there was a note and when she read it she felt in her eyes.

Dear Sisters and Parents,

By the time you read this I'll be far far away from here. I'm gonna go on a quest to search for my new family since I don't really fit in here I wanna do what's write for me and make the right choices I'll always remember you.

Love Lincoln your former son

Lynn already had tears coming out of her eyes when Lori came back into the room. "L-L-L-Lori look at this it's a note from Lincoln" she said with her voice shaking. Lori read it and felt like crying. "Make the right choices this is literally not the right choice to leave us forever we're his REAL family and it's gonna stay like that! I'm gonna show this to the others they need to see this". Lynn walked out of the room looking at it emptiness and holding back tears While Luna was watching from the stairs eavesdropping when she heard Lynn reading the note she felt like crying her self she missed her little brother and wanted him back more then anything.

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