Lori's Plan to Find Lincoln

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Lori gathered Everyone in the living room to them about her plan " Ok Loud's so we all know why we're here" Leni jumped up " TO CELEBRATE LUNA'S MEMORY COMING BACK!" Luna let out a small chuckle "uh kind of" Lori said "but really I have a plan to bring back Lincoln!" Everyone gasped "aww I swallowed my gum" Lana said pouting Lori grabbed out a whiteboard from her back "So first thing tomorrow morning we get out of bed and we get everything we need because we are not COMING HOME WITHOUT LINCOLN and We'll use my phone to track Lincoln's movements and then we will find Lincoln and we'll tell him he's making the biggest mistake of our lives and he'll say I know I am I'll come home with you and then we will have Lincoln back in our lives" Everyone clapping except for Luan "What about Luna's appointment?" Lori jumped "I'm so glad you asked so I moved her appointment to 12:30 today!" Lori said wiping her hands "Uh Lori It's 12:28 right now" Lynn said looking at her watch "Oh god uh Luna let's get moving!" Lori said grabbing Luna's wrist and ran out the door it then became quiet "Well I'm gonna hit the showers" Lynn said walking up the stairs everyone went off to do their own thing but Luan sat there with mixed emotions she's really excited for Lincoln to come home but she's mainly worried about what he's gonna do when they see him "Hey Luan you ok?" Lola said looking at her older sister "I'm fine I just wanna sit here and think" Lola then shrugged it off and then left leaving Luan alone. She walked to her room and grabbed her puppet that "Hey Mr. Coconuts so Lincoln might be coming home and your the only wooden thing I can talk to about this whole situation" the puppet looked at her "what about the others?" Luan scratch the back of her neck "well Luna and Lori are going to the hospital and I didn't want to be with the other sisters so I came to you to talk to" She then heard the phone ring "uh hang on Mr. Coconuts" she then dropped her puppet and ran downstairs and picked the phone up "uh Hello?" "Hi there miss, is Lori Loud here?" "Uh she's not home" Luan said "When she comes home can you let her know that we know where  Lincoln?" Luan stood frozen solid she can't believe this is happening "really where is he?" She said excitedly "He's in a town called Old Mills we tracked him down" Luan wanted to cry tears of joy "Perfect when Lori comes home I'll tell her thanks so much officer" she hung up the phone and ran to the stairs "EVERYONE EMERGENCY SIBLING MEETING!" Everyone then ran into Leni's room "But Lori and Luna aren't here" Lynn said sitting on the floor "does that even matter the greatest thing just happened!" "Spill" Lola said "ok so I was playing with my puppet when I heard the phone ring and it was the police station calling and they know where Lincoln is!" Everyone cheered "But wait where is he?" Leni said "in a different town called Old Mills which is pretty far from here but us Loud's can handle anything" Luan said with a smile this was slowly starting to become the best day of her life

           *THAT NIGHT*

After Luan brushed her teeth she walked into her sister's room to see her playing the guitar. She looked at her "You know even though we have to wake up really early tomorrow morning I don't care because we're finally going get out brother back!" Luna said running up to her sister and hugging her "I'm excited to I don't care about the car ride I just want to see Lincoln again as Well he's all I could think about right now!" Luna smiled "me too sis cmon let's get to bed cause we have to get up early and stuff" "again not looking forward to it" Luan laughed "well we're doing this for Lincoln and he's gonna have to smile when he's sees all ten of us" Luan looked at the night sky "yep I can't wait to see him again"  tomorrow might be a long ride but it's gonna be worth it to see Lincoln

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