Luan's Memories (Part 2)

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Luan stayed home from school because she felt sick not like a cold or anything she just felt different she already told Lori that she wasn't going to school Lori was ok with it she didn't really care about anything as well as Luan. She looked out the window it was a sunny day and it was hot out she was planning on seeing Luna later while she's in her coma. "Well I guess it's just me then" she said to herself. She tired to find something in the house to do while her sisters were at school. She headed downstairs to see what was on tv. All that was on was those little kid channels they showed while the older kids were at school. Luan was bored enough so she decided to wing it and just watch it. She watches this stuff with Lily all the time but it felt weird that it only her and not her baby sister. She actually enjoyed it on her own "Wow what a great show!" She said getting up from the couch. She tried to find something else to do she looked into the direction of Lincoln's Room she wouldn't dare to go in there but she decided to anyway. When she looked at the door it was locked "Dang it!" She said. She  looked everywhere for the key but she finally found it in the kitchen drawer "Note to self put this key back right away!" she said. Luan ran up the stairs and opened the lock and what she saw was very depressing. She saw his blinds draw down and his bed neatly made as if it wasn't Touch in a few days (Cause it wasn't) she saw something on his dresser and picked it up  it was labeled memories kinda like Luan's except her said photo album she started looking through the pictures and noticed one that she remembered all too well and Luna was there to it was a family talent show at the community center and Lincoln, Luan and Luna participated in it Luan remembered that day.


8 Year old Lincoln,  10 year old Luan and 11 Year old Luna were rehearsing for their act. Luan was playing as a mime that turns into a clown  and Lincoln was a sidekick and Luna was playing her drum set "ok Link, no when I do my box act you grab me by the armpit and tug me right back up and I start to transform into a clown and Luna you do the drumroll when Lincoln gives you the thumbs up!" Luan instructed "what else am I good for sis?" Luna said twirling her drumstick "ok everyone come here" Luan said "well you two we're about to go on stage and make thousands of people laugh are we ready to do this?" Lincoln looked up at her with sad eyes "Luan I'm scared" "don't be we practiced this a bunch of times at home it'll be just like we're at home" Luan assured rubbing his hair "ok I'm ready!" "I know you are!" Luan smiled. She then hear the audience clap "Let's do this!" She said. Once the audience finish clapping for the last act Luna was playing the drums when Luan did a somersault from the side stage and Lincoln hopped on a pogo stick to the center stage Luan did a spin until she turned into a box and Lincoln pulled her up and Luna did the drumroll and Luan turned into a clown throwing flowers to the audience the act was finished and everyone clapped for them

*Later that night*

"And the winner of the 2011 family talent show is...... THE LOUD FAMILY!" Everyone in the crowd cheered and the family can be heard screaming. Luan, Lincoln and Luna all walked out on stage and grabbed their award "We did it Luan, We really did it!" Luan hugged her brother "I know we did you were so great!" Luan said. It the best night ever

*End of Flashback*
Luan smiled at the picture and immediately jumped off the bed and ran for his closet it was like her to snoop around his stuff but she had to look for something "Where is it? Where is it?" She said frantically. She then remembered exactly where it was. She closed his closet door and locked the door leaving his room and ran downstairs to look at the trophy case and was relieved that it was still there "thank goodness it's still there looking golden haha!" She stared at the trophy case and was happy it's still there, the engraving still looked the same it was perfect just the way Luan wanted it and she wouldn't wait it any other way.

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