Telling Luan the truth about Luna

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Hey Loud Squad, its Loud House Girl now I know I sometimes do two chapters in one day but I decided to add another chapter to the story so I hope you enjoy

" I don't know if we should tell her she's going through too much between Lincoln and Luna" Lori said laying on her bed " I know what they said about the thing in Luna's body but think about it we already confirmed when the time is right and Luna comes home tomorrow so we should be good" Leni said. It was then Lynn walked into the room "are you guys talking about Luna you know?" Lori then sat up "yes unfortunately but we can't say ANYTHING to Luan she's already going through so much" "well she's at a Friends house!" Lucy jump-scared them "agh Lucy! don't scare us like that" Lynn said "We all know she's staying in the hospital and she's d-d-dying but we shouldn't never tell this to Luan but we all know she's gonna find out on her own" Leni was confused "wait I thought she was coming home?" "She's not gonna come home!" Lynn said leaving the room crying "Lynn's right we can't keep up like this forever ohh how about we tell her that Luna is going to be going to a rock camp so she can remember her rockness" Lori said "is that even a word?" Lucy said "Just wing it" Lori said  grabbing her phone and leaving her room

That night

Luan was in her room staring at her older sisters guitar she noticed some dust on it she decided to make it spotless when her sister comes home from the hospital she picked up Luna's Songbook it was purple with glitter on it  and it had some stickers that say Rock Out!, Party Girl! And her personalized sticker she got for Christmas two years ago with her name on it  it was also really soft. Luan was usually not allowed to touch it but she was kinda Lucky her sister isn't home or she would've been in big trouble. She read some lyrics from a song that her sister never got to finish it was about a girl who's in the desperate search for her little brother.  Luan knew that's been almost all her songs lately but she didn't judge her. She heard a knock on the door "Luan? It's me Lori can we talk?" Luan got up and walked to the door "Lori what do you need I'm getting everything for Luna coming home tomorrow!" Luan said "that's what I want to talk to you about!" Luan frowned she unfortunately knew where this was going "Why what's wrong did something happen with the surgery?" Lori shook her head "no everything went great it's just the doctors found something in Luna's body and it's not supposed so if that thing gets bigger Luna will..." Luan saw tears form at the edge of Lori's eyes "WHAT WILL HAPPEN LORI TELL ME JUST PLEASE TELL ME WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO LUNA?" Lori took a deep breath and looked up at her younger sister "she will die" she said hurriedly "THEY LITERALLY CANT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!" Luan tugged her shirt tightly trying not to release her anger "Luan it's ok to cry we all know how much you'll miss her" Luan stared down at the floor "Lori I wanna be alone" She said softly " I know you do good night Luan" then she left the room to go to her own room. Lori climbed on the bed staring at the wall until her younger sister came into the room "Hi Lori!" Leni said with a smile she then noticed her sister and her smile turned into a frown "oh did you tell her?" Lori softly nodded "I know how you feel she  had to find out one way or another but you did a good job telling her" "you don't get it Leni Luan and Luna are more then sisters they're best friends and they don't want anything to happen to each other and I feel like I ruined Luan's Spark!" Lori said crying "you didn't ruin her spark she'll forget about her eventually!" Her older sister said. They both embraced into a big hug "your right I mean I think it's best if we give her some space"

The Next Morning
Lori walked into Luan's room and noticed a note on her bed it read: Dear fellow sisters and parents I can't stand at the thought of my brother leaving and my sister dying so I decided to run away to another state and change my name I just don't like the way everything is right now so I've ran away for good from Luan or may I say, Rebecca. Lori stared at the note feeling like crying she hated what was going on as well but she needs to teach Luan how to accept things Leni than ran into the room with a smile "hey guess what I have really good news turns out they ARE gonna get the thing out of Luna SHES NOT DYING!" She looked at her sister with tears
streaming down her face "Lori?" "Leni we need to find Luan before she gets on that plane!" "But Luna will be coming home today!"  This was gonna be the most confusing day of Lori's Life
I know what you all are thinking I should make up my mind I'm actually gonna be sticking to Luna NOT dying and not staying in the hospital because I really wanna do some intense chapters involving her because next chapter is gonna involve her coming home to find her sister being missing and tries to remember some things well I gotta bounce SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER WITH LUNA!!!

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