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Lincoln tapped his fingers against the window sill he had enough of waiting he wanted his sisters to come and pick him up from the madness of a house. He looked over to his phone and picked it up and started to text Lori "Lori where are you? I've had enough of this I want to go home my new father locked the door and I'm stuck in here PLEASE COME AND GET ME!" He texted he looked out the window one last time before hitting send. Lincoln walked over to his Ace Savvy comic book and read it for a good half hour until he heard a knock on the door he bolted up and ran to the window "Cheese Pizza for Ted Jackson"  "DOH COME ON!" Lincoln Yelled. He ran to the corner of the room and started to softly cry to himself. He cried for a half hour until he heard his phone buzz Lincoln stood up and walked to see who texted he was relieved to see it was his sister Lori "Hey Linky sorry for responding so late Lola had a hard time going to the bathroom apparently she can't stand gas station bathrooms I literally don't blame her anyway we're just around the corner we should be there shortly!" Lincoln jumped up and down with excitement this was really happening his sisters were on his way to see him. He ran to the window to see the van pull up in front of the mansion it took only 7 minutes but they finally pulled up in front of the mansion. Lincoln ran to his phone and texted Lori again "Look Up!" He texted. Lori was helping Lily out of the car seat "Leni can you see who texted? I'm busy with Lily" Leni nodded and looked in Lori's Purse it was a text from Lincoln "Look Up?" She looked up "huh it's Still Grey from the rain" Leni then texted "It's still Cloudy from the rain!" Lincoln looked at the text and facepalmed "I Know that's You Leni where's Lori?" Leni then texted back "She's helping Lily get out of the car!" Lincoln then texted back again "Well Tell her to hurry up and run to the Door!" Leni looked over at Lori "Hey Lori I think we should we should hurry and get Lincoln!" "Ok let's go and get Lincoln!" They all ran to the door constantly ringing the doorbell. The 10 sisters stared at the door for a few minutes until Lincoln's "New Father" opened up. "Who are you ten beasts?" He said grumpily Lola ran up to him but Lori held her back "Who are you calling BEAST? I happened to be a PRINCESS!" Lola said. Lori put her down "Anyway we're looking for Lincoln Loud!" Lori said poking her head around "oh I'm sorry but he's up in his room not feeling well" Ted said rubbing the back of his head "Are you lying?" Luan said. "What No I just had a scratch on the back of my head YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING!" Luna ran up to
Him and yanked his tie "Then tell me, TELL ME WHERE MY LITTLE BROTHER IS OR I WILL WRITE A TERRIBLE SONG ABOUT YOU!" Ted was startled "ugh ok ok he's up in room locked" "Why's the door locked?" Lynn said with crossed arms "Because I felt like it but if you want the little runt than I'll send him down!" Ted said going upstairs "WHAT?" All ten of them said "uh Nothing!" Lincoln was in his room twiddling his thumbs "Hey uh Lincoln your bratty sisters are here" Ted said annoyed Lincoln got up in a heartbeat and walked to the door "But First my sisters are not brats well except for Lola but you know what I mean!" He saw them from the top of the stairs "GUYS!" He shouted "LINCOLN!" They all shouted. They all ran up to each other and started hugging "I missed you all so much!" "We missed you too!" Luna said with tears of happiness streaming down her face "I'm sorry for running away I should just stick to being a Loud!" Lori squeezed him really tightly "You've always been a Loud ever since you were born!" Lincoln had tears streaming down his face "I never wanted to be a Jackson anyway I rather be a Loud!" They all laughed they all crying it was the most beautiful thing that Ted had ever seen "You're Right Lincoln" he called from the balcony "You should stick to being a Loud! I'll  find a new son eventually! And by the way you all aren't brats!" They all laughed. Lincoln and his sisters got all in the car and drove home "I'm so glad to be back with you guys I really missed you!" Leni smiled "We missed you too Linky a lot of stuff happened while you were gone" Lincoln raised an eyebrow "I was only gone a few days what happened? And why does Luna have a scar on her forehead and two on her arms!" Luna said with some sadness in her voice "I'll tell you later" She said "Luna what's Wrong?" Lincoln said concerned "I'm your brother you can tell me anything" "I don't want you to know!" Luna said with tears coming out of her eyes "Lincoln just leave her alone please"Lori said "Lincoln nodded and looked out the window "he really wanted to know what happened to his older sister

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